Home » today » Entertainment » ‘Prince Philip was wanted by the most beautiful women on the planet. He charmed Elizabeth when she was fourteen, ‘says the journalist World

‘Prince Philip was wanted by the most beautiful women on the planet. He charmed Elizabeth when she was fourteen, ‘says the journalist World

London / Prague The death of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband, saddened not only Britain but the whole world. What was he really like? “Philip was personally frustrated that journalists preferred to quote his touches from his extensive active activities,” said Anastasia Harris, a journalist living in the United Kingdom, in an interview with Lidovky.cz.


Lidovky.cz: Prince Philip did not hold any official position, he was very old and recently spent a month in hospital. Yet his death took the world by surprise, and there was even talk of “losing a generation that will never return.” How do you explain that?
Philip was what we call a “real deal” in Moravia. While Elizabeth has a royal descent only after her father, the prince was born on the island of Corfu (on the kitchen table) in 1921, as the successor to the Danish and Greek thrones. His king’s grandfather was executed, blaming his father for the catastrophic outcome of the Greco-Turkish conflict.

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