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Prince Harry Officially Confirms US Residency, Signifying Growing Estrangement from Britain

Prince Harry Officially Declares US Residency, Undermining Ties to UK

Prince Harry Officially Declares US Residency, Undermining Ties to UK

Friday, 19 April 2024

Prince Harry Acknowledges US Residency, Reflecting Estrangement from Britain

Prince Harry, widely known as the Duke of Sussex, has formally confirmed his status as a US resident. The acknowledgment of his American residency further cements his growing detachment from the UK, accentuated by his departure from royal duties alongside his wife, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, four years ago.

Providing undeniable evidence of his move, paperwork has been filed with British authorities, indicating that Prince Harry is now “usually resident” in the United States. The paperwork was submitted by Travalyst Ltd, a travel company in which Prince Harry holds at least a 75% stake. The company, established in 2020, aims to promote global awareness of sustainable tourism.

Increased Separation from British Royal Family

Prince Harry is the son of King Charles III and currently stands as the fifth in line to the British throne. This recent filing further distances him from his position as one of King Charles’s counsellors of state. The counsellors of state are royal family members appointed to fulfill the duties of the monarch in the event of illness or the monarch’s absence from the country.

Nevertheless, Harry formally retains his role as a counsellor of state, though “in practice,” working members of the royal family are now the sole candidates considered for these temporary duties, the crown communicated to the parliament in 2022.

In 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan relocated to Montecito, located in Southern California, where they reside in a grand villa.

Controversy Over Prince Harry’s Visa

Amid the declaration of Harry’s changed residency status, concern has arisen regarding the approval of his US visa. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative thinktank, has questioned the US Department of Homeland Security’s decision to grant a visa to Prince Harry. The thinktank seeks to understand why he was approved for a visa despite admitting to previous drug use in his autobiographical book, “Spare.”

In a bid to shed light on the matter, the foundation has approached a judge to request the release of Prince Harry’s immigration file. According to the foundation, individuals with a history of drug use would typically be disqualified from obtaining a visa.

Prince William’s Return to Public Duties Amid Family Health Challenges

Shortly after Prince Harry’s official declaration of US residency, Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and the son of King Charles III, resumed his public duties. This appearance marked his return following the revelation that his wife, the Princess of Wales, Kate, is undergoing preventive chemotherapy for cancer.

During his public appearance, Prince William conveyed a positive demeanor as he engaged with and aided personnel during a visit to a surplus food redistribution charity. Graciously, one volunteer handed him “get well soon” cards intended for Kate and King Charles, the latter of whom is currently undergoing treatment for an unspecified form of cancer.

Prince Harry’s Legal Setbacks on Security

In other news relating to Prince Harry, he recently failed to succeed in his initial attempt to challenge a high court ruling endorsing a reduction in his personal security level during his visits to the UK. This setback highlights ongoing concerns regarding his degree of personal security.

Please note that the Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.

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