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Prince Harry is said to have refused his brother William’s attempt at reconciliation

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Created: 08/10/2022 11:34

Von: Annemarie Gobbel


A new book reveals that the rift between Prince Harry and Prince William was worse than previously thought.

London – The tension between the brothers Prince William (40) and Prince Harry (38) was much earlier than expected. An interview with ITV for the 2019 documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey was one of the first public moments to show Harry and Meghan’s conflicts as real. Meghan Markle problems openly recognized as a mother and bride among royalty. When asked, Harry did not deny that he had a fight with his brother.

The charge was that Harry wanted to push his brother out of the headlines

It got to the point, according to author Valentine Low, when William and his wife Kate Middleton, 40, believed the now famous media appearance was a “deliberate attempt to keep the Cambridge out of the headlines.” William began to worry about the Sussex happiness in the royal family and wanted to get out of the crisis. He apparently sent a message to Prince Harry while he was touring Pakistan with Kate himself.

Caught between brotherly love and competition: the relationship between Prince William and Prince Harry is not news (photomontage). © Anthony Devlin / dpa & Martin Meissner / dpa

According to an excerpt from the book “Courtiers: Intrigue, Ambition and the Power Players Behind the House of Windsor” by Valentine Low, which is published in advance excerpts in Times appeared, The Prince of Wales wanted to arrange a meeting, so he probably texted his brother while he was touring Pakistan with Kate herself. Allegedly, Harry first agreed, but then changed his mind and declined the offer to speakthe book says.

Prince William and Prince Harry: constant conflict

The fact that Prince Harry is torn between two worlds is certainly a concern for his father, King Charles III. (73) Concern, after all, wanted to “include both children”. As the eldest son, Prince William was one of the most important figures in the royal family during the queen’s lifetime, and as the current crown prince and heir to the throne, he bears many more responsibilities.

As a second child, Prince Harry deserves a life in the spotlight. Since both sons cannot be heirs to the throne, the queen mother, known as the queen mother (101, † 2002), would have bestowed on him a larger share of the inheritance than Prince William.

Prince William’s efforts to salvage the relationship with his brother have failed

“We are certainly on different paths at the moment, but I will always be there for him because I know he will always be there for me,” Prince Harry said in the documentary. But things were a lot more complicated than Harry wanted to admit. Since then, attempts at reconciliation have been talked about several times, most recently when they met on the occasion of the death of Queen Elizabeth II († 96).

Reportedly, “Harry was so worried that the Williams team might leak the visit to the press that he chose not to come.” He didn’t want to risk the details becoming known, the book says. It shows the extent of the misunderstandings and distrust that must have been the state of things between the brothers at that time. Five months after William’s attempted reconciliation, the Sussexes left the royal family and moved to Canada. Sources used: nypost.com

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