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Prince Harry has undergone a “Hollywood makeover”. Botox made him look younger by several years? The photos were uploaded to the network

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Prince Harry moved his life to the United States. For the sake of his family, he gave up life at court. Less than a year ago, he and Megan Markle hosted at Oprah Winfreywhere they told about the difficulties of living on it. Deciding to move, he changed rainy London for sunny California. However, the new place also has its own rules and the way it functions. After the prince’s last public appearance, you can see that he felt the Hollywood vibe. He probably used the services of aesthetic medicine.

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Prince Harry has undergone a “Hollywood makeover”. The wrinkles are gone

At the beginning of the month, a virtual conference of the charity BetterUp for mental health was held. It belongs to Prince Harry, which is why he appeared on it. His refreshed appearance caught attention. The prince is 37 years old and a few months ago there were wrinkles on his face, of which there is not even the slightest trace of it. Newidea.pl called it “Hollywood metamorphosis” and he addedthat Megan Markle’s husband began to think like people from the city of angels.

In these circles, using aesthetic medicine is the same as getting a haircut! Whatever Harry did, it looks great. He might have had a bit of Botox to smooth the lines, but that’s about it.

Ksi Harry ¿ê Harry some time ago he was looking for a transplant specialist hair. When the information about this became known to the public, the embarrassed man resigned from the procedure. The same portal reminded of this event.

The mockery he got when the story came out about seeing an expert on hair implants was enough to deter him from going public.

The newsletter newidea.pl said that Prince Harry has come to terms with his hair loss tendencies. However, he decided to react to wrinkles. Now he looks a few years younger and he feels good about it.

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