Home » today » Entertainment » Prince Harry and Megan Mark prepare for the baptism of their daughter Lilibet: make special demands on the angry British royal family

Prince Harry and Megan Mark prepare for the baptism of their daughter Lilibet: make special demands on the angry British royal family

It has become known that Prince Harry a Megana Markla getting ready for her youngest girls Diana of Lilibeth baptism, which came into the world on June 4 this year. However, they have stated that they want to keep more “privacy” at the event and will therefore do their best to keep the baby’s pictures “outside the house” and have strongly advised their relatives, the British royal family, to respect them as well.

An anonymous source in the monarch family said that this was ridiculous for several family members, as this child is only the eighth in line to the throne, and the girl’s parents are not currently officially belonging to the monarch family.

This, of course, has again caused unpleasant speeches and tensions between the British royal family and the Dukes of Sussex. The source has indicated that he has most criticized the “whim” of the Dukes of Sussex princese AnnaQueen Elizabeth II only daughter. By the way, she was the one who had initially told Prince Harry himself that Megan would not fit into the British royal family, Express UK reports.


At the time, she said to Harry, “Don’t marry that girl, she’s not right for you. She is “against us”, she does not understand this country and she has no obligation to work. ” In the end, it turned out that Princess Anna’s skepticism was quite justified.

The only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip – Princess Anna

Earlier this year, an interview with Oprah Winfrey Prince Harry and Megan Mark told of their woes in the royal family. At the time, Megan said she had been disturbed by some monarchs about the skin color of her and Harry’s future baby. It was later implicitly stated that it may have been Princess Anna.

These rumors of racism were later categorically denied as Prince Harry’s older brother, Prince William, so is his father, Prince Charles. Princess Anna did not comment on the situation.

But in April of this year, when Prince Harry arrived at the funeral of his grandfather, Prince Philip, neither Princess Anna nor her son, Prince Edward with his family Harry was conspicuously ignored and not even greeted.

Queen Elizabeth II, 95, has attended a horse riding competition

“They are still very excited. They believe that both Prince Harry and Megan have acted terribly towards the 95-year-old queen and the British royal family as a whole. “

Said Angela Levin, a British royal family expert.

Meanwhile, the upcoming baptism of Lilibet with “special rules” and demands on the part of Megan Mark and Prince Harry has once again aroused unpleasant emotions.

Prepared according to foreign press materials.


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