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Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: no Instagram comeback?

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
No Instagram comeback?

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry at an appearance in London-

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Harry and Meghan have no plans to show themselves back on Instagram. The reason lies in the “hatred” that was met with them.

Prince Harry (36) and Duchess Meghan (39) allegedly have “no plans” to get active on social media again. A source that should be close to the couple said according to “The Sunday Times”that it was “very unlikely” that the two would be present online, mainly due to the “hatred” they had encountered.

Before the two resigned as high-ranking members of the British royal family last spring, Meghan and Harry used social media regularly. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex also announced the “Megxit” plans on the “Sussex Royal” Instagram account. There the two last published a farewell message on their resignation from the royal family in March 2020. Before her engagement to Harry, Meghan also had a blog called “The Tig” and her own Instagram account.

“I don’t know what’s out there”

In October, Duchess Meghan spoke on the “Teenager Therapy” podcast about how much she suffered from the many insulting and discriminatory comments on the net: “I was told that in 2019 I was the most trolled person in the world – male or female, “said Meghan.

During a video interview for the “Fortune Most Powerful Women Next Gen” event in autumn, she also hinted that the Sussexes will not return to Instagram and Co. after their retirement as working royals: “It was for my own protection I haven’t been on social media for a long time. I had a personal account years ago that I closed, and then we had one in the UK through the institution and our office, separate from us, that wasn’t managed by us, that was a whole team, “she explained of her time as a working member of the royal family.

And Meghan added, “I made a personal decision not to have an account. So I don’t know what’s out there and in many ways it’s helpful to me. I worry a lot about people who are obsessed with it . ”


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