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Prince Charles’s fortune and where it comes from

We were surprised a few days ago with the investigation carried out by ‘The Guardian’, after which it was known that the Queen Isabel -through one of his lawyers- he pressured the Government to change a law that allow you to hide part of your private holdings and investments. A fact that could change the numbers that until now were calculated from the fortune that the monarch had accumulated since his arrival to the throne. But if the figures that Isabel II handles are high, those of some members of her family have little to envy her. We speak, for example, of Prince carlos, which has a approximate fortune of 100 million pounds, amassed thanks to his annual allowance as heir, his investments and, above all, the profits generated by the Duchy of Cornwall, which are more than 20 million annually.

Just counting what this dukedom reported to him, the prince of Wales won last year 600,000 pounds more than the previous year. If in 2018 the duchy had reported about 21.6 million, in 2019 that figure increased to 22.2 million. But, in addition to all this, Prince Charles has pocketed more than two million pounds in recent years thanks to a curious law. And it is that the British heir is the beneficiary of the residents of the Duchy of Cornwall who die without heirs, while in the rest of the country the recipient of these assets is the Public Treasury.

The Prince of Wales, in a recent image. (Reuters)

Thanks to this law, established several centuries ago, Carlos has won only in the last six financial years 1,349,000 pounds, that is, almost a million and a half euros for those assets that are left without owners and are not claimed. And the same happens with the remaining assets of a Cornish registered company being dissolved: they go to the coffers of the British heir. Of course, neither some earnings nor others are for him. Some of the money goes to a reserve in case there are any future claimsThe rest goes to the Duke of Cornwall’s charity fund.

The Duchy of Cornwall is considered to be private equity, so all the benefits they produce go to the prince’s pocket. It was created in 1337 by Edward III to support his son and all his later heirs. It spreads through 23 counties in England and Wales, and includes the Oval Cricket Ground and 67,000 acres – some 270 square kilometers – in Dartmoor National Park. And practically everything in the area reports profits to the future king, from parking lots to surf schools from the beaches of Cornwall, as they have to pay the rent for the area and the corresponding taxes.

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.  (Reuters)
Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall. (Reuters)

The proceeds are used to pay your official duties, his London office and his charity work. It also finances the public expenditures of the Prince William and Kate Middletonas well as some of your private expenses. And, at least during the previous year, it also served to defray those of the Prince Harry and Meghan Markle until March 31, when they stopped belonging to the Royal House.

But it is that, in addition to the income that comes from the Duchy of Cornwall, Prince Charles owns numerous lands spread throughout the country, which also give you corresponding benefits. And keep in mind that does not pay taxes, undoubtedly a great help to add the high fortune that contains your checking account.

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