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Prince Charles is wounded by Harry’s words about his upbringing

Prince Harry and his father’s relationship is at a freezing point. This was stated for the tabloid The Sun by a source close to the royal family. In the documentary miniseries The Me You Can’t See, Harry stated that his wife was actually thinking about suicide and accused the royal family of inaction.

He did not forget to dig into his father again, whom he indirectly accused of transferring his childhood suffering to the upbringing of Harry and William. Prince Charles is deeply hurt by his words and does not know how to react to the interview.

“It hurts him a lot, he’s a sensitive man, and these personal attacks have hit him hard. He doesn’t understand why Harry is doing this to him, “a source from the prince’s neighborhood told The Sun. “He did so much for him during the wedding (Prince Harry – editor’s note). He even helped him move to Canada, despite what Harry says, “he added.

“Harry says he wants reconciliation, but he clearly decided to make his father a villain,” the source said indignantly. “It doesn’t take into account that parenthood has changed radically over the years. Especially the role of fathers, “he added, apparently pointing out that Harry was a child at a time when fathers were not expected to make major interventions in their upbringing.

The source also said that Charles did not know what to do with the accusations. “He’s frustrated that he can’t answer Harry’s accusations in public. “Harry can say whatever he wants about his father, while Charles must remain silent,” the source said.

Ironically, the inability to respond to all sorts of accusations and speculation by tabloid journalists was one of the things that bothered Prince Harry and Meghan in royal life.

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