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Prince Andrew: The Virginia Roberts Sex Files

Prince Andrew has his back to the wall because of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. But what exactly is he being accused of? GALA summarizes the details for you.

Prince Andrew, 59, and Virginia Roberts, 35 – two names that are currently making headlines around the world. In 2001 she was said to have had sex with Andrew three times within a few weeks on the instructions of US businessman Jeffrey Epstein, † 66, claims the 39-year-old Virginia Roberts. Andrew vehemently denied this. Thus, statement stands against statement. Who do you believe

Virginia Roberts falls into the clutches of Jeffrey Epstein

The English newspaper “Daily Mail” published an interview with Roberts on February 27, 2011, in which she unpacked in detail about Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew. According to them, she worked as a maid in Donald Trump’s Country Club in Palm Beach, Florida, and met Ghislaine Maxwell, then Jeffrey Epstein’s partner, shortly after her 15th birthday. The conversation started and Maxwell offered her to start working as a masseuse for Epstein immediately. Roberts accepted the offer and was immediately driven to Epstein’s villa. When he arrived there, the businessman lay naked on a table with his head down. What then happened after one, Roberts described as follows:

“The Lady [Maxwell] told me to follow their instructions. She let me put oil on my hands and then she grabbed one of his feet and started massaging him and she told me to take his other foot. Then she took off her shirt, rubbed her breasts over Jeffrey, and asked me to undress. He had sex with me and the woman caressed me. I thought, ‘This is wrong. It’s not a normal massage. ‘”

Although Roberts was disgusted, she was intrigued by Epstein. “Jeffrey said he wanted to be my mentor. I felt like he and Ghislaine really took care of me. We did family things, watched Sex And The City and ate popcorn,” explained Roberts. “But it was a sick family (…). He trained me to do anything a man wanted. I was worried, but I would have done anything to keep Jeffrey happy and my place as his number one to keep.”

First meeting with Prince Andrew

According to flight records held by the Daily Mail, Virginia Roberts, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell flew to London on March 9, 2001, where Maxwell owned a house. Roberts said, “The next morning Ghislaine came into my room. She was perky and very excited. She jumped on the bed and said, ‘Get up, get up, sleepyhead. You’re having a big day. We have to go shopping. You need a dress because you’re going to be dancing with a prince tonight. “” In the afternoon, Prince Andrew showed up and Maxwell introduced them, Roberts recalled in an interview with the Daily Mail. They drank tea and had a nice chat about Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, Andrew’s daughters. Then Maxwell asked Andrew how old he estimated Roberts to be. “17” is supposed to have been his answer.

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At the dinner that followed, she sat between Jeffrey Epstein and Andrew, Roberts said. “Andrew made eye contact with me at every opportunity and focused on the low V-neck of my shirt. He didn’t ask me about myself. I just sat with a smile on my face. Ghislaine whispered, ‘The prince is shining to be really interested in you. ‘”

After dinner, the four are said to have moved on to a London bar. “We were taken to a VIP area and Andrew got me a cocktail from the bar and asked me to dance,” said Roberts on the evening of March 10, 2001. “He was the most terrible dancer I had ever seen. He grabbed my hips and was covered in sweat and had that cheesy smile. I was used to being used by men for sex, but it wasn’t behavior I was used to in public and not by a prince who had daughters. I felt like everyone was watching us. “

On the way home, Roberts, Epstein and Maxwell were initially three. But it didn’t stop there. Roberts recalls in an interview with NBC News in September 2019: “Maxwell said: “Is [Andrew] come back to the house and I want you to do for him what you do for Epstein. ‘ I could not believe it.” Once in the house, there should be a kind of foreplay between the then 17-year-old Roberts and the 41-year-old Andrew in the bathroom. After that, they would have had sex in the bedroom. “He wasn’t rude and said ‘thank you’ and some kind of soft stuff like that and left”claimed Roberts. She was then praised by Maxwell: “You did well, the prince had fun.” For them, Andrew was clearly “an abuser,” said the 39-year-old Roberts in an interview with “NBC News”.

Sex in New York and the Caribbean?

Virginia Roberts claims she slept with Andrew two more times. Shortly before Easter 2001 (according to research by British newspapers on April 9, 2001) she saw the prince again in an Epstein house in New York. The multi-millionaire and Maxwell are said to have flown in from Florida especially for it. In addition to her, another Epstein victim was present, Roberts reported in 2011 to the Daily Mail.

“A beautiful girl named Johanna Sjoberg who worked for Jeffrey was on Andrew’s knee. Ghislaine led me to Andrew and I think he recognized me, although I don’t know if he remembered my name. We kissed on top of her Cheek and Ghislaine put me on his other knee. ” Then she was asked by Ghislaine Maxwell to give Andrew a massage in the upper part of the house – the second time that it should have come to sex.

The third and final meeting is said to have taken place just two days later, on April 11, 2001, on the private island of Epstein’s Little Saint James in the Caribbean. Initially, there should be a “provocative shoot” with about seven Russian models. “We were topless and he [der Fotograf] let us pose in sexual positions “, Roberts told the Daily Mail. After all, everyone should gather in a large hut. Andrew and Epstein would have been waiting there. “Epstein, Andy, about eight other young girls and I had sex”, claims Roberts in documents she filed in a Florida court in 2015.

The escape

For four years Roberts was in the clutches of Epstein. “I remember thinking I would never have a normal life again, but as sick as it sounds, Jeffrey was my master. I was totally in his power. I never thought about escaping,” she described in an interview their situation. A year after the alleged sex meeting with Andrew, she did.

On the occasion of her 19th birthday in August 2002, Epstein Roberts bought a plane ticket to Thailand, where he had enrolled her for a massage course. Shortly after arriving, the young woman met an Australian martial arts expert named Robert, fell in love and married just ten days later. Today the couple lives in Australia with their three children.

That’s what Andrew says about the allegations

In a 49-minute conversation with “BBC” reporter Emily Maitlis on November 16, 2019, Prince Andrew spoke for the first time about his connection to Jeffrey Epstein. He denies having known about the pedophile machinations of the businessman and denies any sexual contact with Roberts. He has “no memory of ever meeting this woman, none at all” andcan absolutely and categorically tell you that [der Sex] did not happen “. To a photo that he and Roberts should show in 2001 in Ghislaine Maxwells in London, he also says he “have absolutely no recollection of this photo ever being taken.“On the alleged admission date, March 10, 2001, he drove his daughter Princess Beatrice to a pizza party and stayed at home afterwards. Another criticism of Virginia Roberts, according to Andrew: He could have been involved in the Falklands War in the 1980s no longer sweating, so the claim that he sweated in the club in London on the evening of March 10, 2001 was not true either.

Sources used:Daily Mail, NBC, Vanity Fair, BBC, The Daily Mirror, The Express, The Sun


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