Prince Albert of Monaco’s former accountant has been arrested.

Charlene and Albert got married in 2011. They have two children together. AOP
Former accountant of the princely couple of Monaco Claude Palmero was arrested on Wednesday.
Palmero has claimed the prince Albert’s sending secret payments to his former lovers and grove children.
The police took Palmero into custody to question him about Albert’s lawsuit. According to Albert’s lawsuit, Palmero has violated confidentiality and privacy and received money for these two crimes.
According to local media, Palmero was released the same day and no charges have been filed so far. Prince Albert fired Palmero, who had been in the position for 20 years, last year when the website Les Dossiers du Rocher began publishing allegations of embezzlement.
A couple of months after the dismissal, the French newspaper Le Monde published these possibly secret Palmero notes detailing the questionable spending of the Monaco royal family.
Charlene’s spending of money was allegedly reckless. Albert allegedly paid huge sums of money to his grove children and mistresses. AOP
The notes claim that Albert had a secret bank account at the French BNP bank with the initials AG for years. The abbreviation comes from the prince’s name, Albert Grimaldia. It is alleged that Albert’s former mistresses and illegitimate children were secretly paid from this account.
Allegedly, children of the grove Jazmin Grace Grimaldi32, and Alexandre Coste-Grimaldi20, will each receive around 344 million euros from Albert.
The accountant has also claimed that Princess Charlene spent money uncontrollably. Charlene was supposed to receive about 1.44 million euros annually, but this amount would always be exceeded.
– Crazy! I cannot control the princess’s spending, Palmero allegedly wrote in his notes.
According to The Times magazine, Charlene would have spent around 15 million euros from 2011 to 2019.
The same magazine has previously reported that Palmero followed his father Andre Palmero in his duties.
– Palmero’s attacks on me, the state and institution of Monaco have shown his true character and how little respect he has for the royal family and the entire principality, Albert’s recent statement states.
Palmero has also filed a lawsuit over his dismissals, which he considers illegal.
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