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Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann’s New Year’s Address 2023/2024 Highlights Encounters of Courage, Drive, and Community Spirit

In his address at the turn of the year 2023/2024, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann reports on encounters in the country in which he experienced a lot of courage, drive and community spirit. He looks to the future with confidence and calls for us to stick together and tackle things together.

Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann’s New Year’s speech in full:

“Dear fellow citizens, dear fellow citizens,

For my wife and me, the time between the years is always a very special time: a time of peace, reflection and meeting relatives and friends.

Such days are good in a world full of crises, conflicts and catastrophes.
A world that is increasingly in danger of falling apart. In which many of us struggle with worries. And some people wonder how things will continue.

I can understand that well. But I also see a different perspective in our country. One that gives me confidence. I experience this every day when I travel in our country. Because I experience exactly what we need at this time.

I’m thinking, for example, of Jonas Andrulis from Heidelberg. A few years ago he founded a company that developed artificial intelligence for industry and administration. Today his start-up is the beacon of hope in Europe.
Where otherwise only large American and Chinese AI companies have the say, a young company from Baden-Württemberg is now among the world’s best. With our know-how and our values.

Another example is the community of Niedereschach in the Black Forest.
I visited the village some time ago. And it really impressed me.
There, citizens came together as a cooperative, dug up their village together and laid a kilometer-long district heating network on their own. With its own heating center, heated with wood from the area.
People rolled up their sleeves, took responsibility and tackled the energy transition themselves.

And then I was able to get to know the youth fire department in Zimmern ob Rottweil in the summer. Almost twenty girls and boys. A tight-knit group where every move is spot on. Where you can feel the team spirit and passion with which the young people are committed. This is something like a small school of democracy. Because the children and young people also experience how community works and what responsibility means. How important tolerance and respect are.

In the examples mentioned, in these encounters, I experienced a lot of courage, energy and community spirit.

And the great thing is: the young entrepreneur, the village community and the youth group are not isolated cases. They represent many other companies, municipalities, clubs and citizens in our country. Stand for their courage, energy and community spirit. Stand for all of our courage, energy and community spirit.

And that is why we can look to the future of our country with well-founded confidence. Because what you, dear fellow citizens, what we are all able to achieve together, sustains us even in difficult times.

So let’s trust in ourselves, in our values ​​and strengths, in our creativity, in what we can achieve if we stick together and tackle things together!

And so my wife and I wish you a good, peaceful and healthy year 2024.”

2023-12-31 19:05:48
#confidence #future

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