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Prime Minister Najib Mikati Announces European Union Agreement on Laws for Displaced Syrians in Lebanon

Prime Minister Najib Mikati, the caretaker, said regarding the latest developments in the file of displaced Syrians, “there is a new path from the European perspective. For the first time, the President of the Commission Europeans, Ursula von der Leyen, visiting Lebanon ,” and “the European Union has agreed to laws related to displaced Syrians.”

He pointed out, in an interview on the LBCI channel, “any Syrian living in Lebanon illegally will be deported, and those who are registered will be looked at in a way between -different from the way those who are not registered. “

Mikati confirmed that “in previous conferences related to the European Union, it was said that the Syrians should be kept with you and that you should take any money you want.”

He explained, “The Lebanese state has decided to apply the laws to all countries in Lebanon, and all people living illegally will be deported to the country his “

Mikati said: “There are three categories of displaced people.

He said, “We demand that Lebanese laws be implemented on the territory of ​​Lebanon, and we asked the European Union to accept the principle that there are safe areas in Syria,” continuing , “There is a European divide regarding the issue of safe areas, and we will launch a campaign in this context to push the European Union to decide that there are safe areas in Syria.” “.

Mikati said, “General Security has been instructed to make the count, and since the New Year, we have been controlling the reality of the displaced Syrians, and the work will be done at a faster pace sooner than we suggested the European Union was going to strengthen military measures at the Lebanese crossings and help us.” He said, “We requested additional resources for security today, this file will move at a faster speed.”

Mikati said, “We will make every effort to solve this issue, and the army is among the available capabilities that we will work to strengthen so that the military institution can fulfill its tasks . He said, “I called the Syrian Prime Minister and heard a clear answer from him that Syria does not stand as an obstacle to any Syrian who wants to return to his country.”

He said, “We as Lebanon will not put any political refugee at risk, and we will consider issues related to humanitarian issues and those related to protecting residents through asylum.”

Mikati announced, “At this time, the Director General of Lebanese Security Operations, Major General Elias Al-Bisari, has been instructed to continue with this file, and he will visit Syria soon, and when necessary, Foreign Minister Abdullah Bouhabib will visit Damascus,” and he said, “I am talking to my partner, and when we elect the president of the republic, he will talk to the president of Syria ,” said Bashar al-Assad, “He is ready to go far for the sake of Lebanon.”

He continued, “Today we put a contract on the European Union that financial aid would not be given to the Syrians in Lebanon as an incentive to return to their country. I felt full understanding and we will continue the case.”

Mikati revealed, “We will attend a conference in Brussels on an abstract investigation of the truth, and the President of the European Commission encouraged the presence of Lebanon to explain this truth,” explaining “we cannot continue with it the status quo because the issue is about the movement affecting Lebanese demographics and job opportunities for Lebanese youth.”

He said, “The presentation I will make in Brussels to the European Union comes from the World Bank report on the bitter truth of the impact of the Syrian movement on Lebanon,” noting, “We working to put pressure on the European Union look at what Lebanon has suffered over the years as a result of the movement.”

Mikati explained, “During my recent visit to France and in my conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, there has been French progress and understanding in implementing the relevant laws on his land with Lebanon,” and he said, “What comforts me is that the Lebanese position is united regarding the issue of the Syrian movement. “

He pointed out that “the billion euro package approved for Lebanon by the European Union is unconditional and is for Lebanon and Lebanese and includes the sectors of health and education, social protection, and the poorest families, as well as support to the army and security forces, including general security and internal security forces, to control the borders of the land.” He continued, “We will help the army to increase its presence and capabilities to control land and sea borders.”

Mikati emphasized that “there is no bribery as some claim, and there is no requirement that the billion-dollar aid be a condition for the displaced people to stay in Lebanon.”

He explained, “I no longer hear from the European Union that the displaced people must stay in Lebanon, and for our part, we say that any illegal resident will be deported.” “

Mikati said: “I warned that some departments will ban evening education for Syrians next year, and we will not allow a new problem to be added to the existing problems due to the Syrian movement,” a ‘ continued, “I repeat myself over and over again. that there is European support for Lebanon and for Lebanon, and this was confirmed by the European Union Commissioner in We held 3 meetings.

He said, “Lebanon is not a border guard for Europe, and it will not blackmail anyone. We want to help together to protect our homeland, and we will start raising the issue of safe zones inside Syria as a prelude to resolving this. issue.”

Mikati said, “What I heard from the European Union is establishing strong cooperation because the Union considers us a neighboring country and wants our help in all areas in Syria.”

He continued, “With an agreement with the European Union and with Lebanon joining the law that includes countries hosting displaced Syrians, the way will be opened for the Lebanon to go on seasonal migration to European Union countries to work there seasonally. “

Mikati said, “As a result of the pressure we will face, we will try to get additional financial support from the European Union because of the reality we live in as a result of the Syrian movement file,” and he said “the European Union underlines the need to accept reforms in Lebanon.”

In addition, he indicated adherence to “the implementation of Resolution 1701 and adherence to the establishment of stability in southern Lebanon,” and said: “There are discussions that we are conducting to reach a permanent stable situation at right, and whoever helps us with that, we will be with him,” saying, “We are continuing with the Americans and the French to reach our goal.” The main thing is stability southern Lebanon,” and “there are many documents and one goal is to implement Resolution 1701,” saying, “When I received the French document from the French ambassador, I immediately told him that I want to make some changes,” and he continued, “We hope that international efforts for a ceasefire will produce good results.” He said, “We will be more able to study the papers when a A ceasefire will be reached in the Gaza Strip, and what we need today is to prepare the situation.” A separation (between Gaza and southern Lebanon) is “impossible at this time,” and he said: “No.” “I have pledges in my hands that say that the shooting in the south will stop when the shooting in Gaza stops,” stressing that “the cease-fire in Gaza will open a new level in Lebanon.”

Mikati confirmed, “I met the Minister of Defense in the caretaker government, Maurice Slim, today, and we sat for half an hour, and I don’t hate anyone.”

In response to a question about what was said about the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri being in charge of the negotiations, Mikati replied: “Berri and I are one and no one can come between us,” and he said in the other context: “I don’t accept to be anyone’s mailbox.”

He revealed that “Macron and Italy called a conference to support the Lebanese army, and we confirm that the support is as it should be. “

Regarding the damage done by the Israeli attacks in the south and the issue of reconstruction work, Mikati considered that “the Lebanese state does not have the capabilities in terms of the percentage of damage in the south, and the state does not have the capability to rebuild. right.

He said, “We continue with the committee of five members in Lebanon to reach a solution at the level of the presidential file. ” He said, “There are parliamentary blocs that want the President of the Republic to be an additional solution for the country, and this is what we need basically It is not important that the election is made at the campaign of the Five Year Committee or national procedures.” He said: “It is impossible to achieve the election of the president of the republic, but Lebanon is used to the surprise of waking up one day and finding an invitation to vote, and I hope that it will be elected as President as soon as possible.

Mikati explained, “We were willing to hold the municipal elections, and they were requested according to the rules, and South Lebanon required their cancellation,” and “We need to apply a new, modern law for elections town , for example, within a closed and mixed list.”

Regarding the appearance of the weapons of the “Islamic Group,” he said: “The appearance of Akkar’s weapons at the funeral of the two Khalaf martyrs is completely rejected, and I have asked the security services to do what is necessary in terms of their arrest. He said regarding the actions of the “Hamas” movement in Lebanon: “What Lebanon has done. For the sake of Palestine, no country has done this, but we reject any action that the Palestinian groups have done from the Lebanese territory. “

Mikati said, “There is a group of Lebanese who say that the state must collapse so that we can rebuild again, but I am against this idea and our role is to structure the state protection “

He emphasized that “all I want as a caretaker prime minister is to preserve, strengthen, and preserve the structure of this state and the Lebanese state,” and added: “Berri has never interfered on the Capital Control Law and it complies with the decision of the Government. House of Representatives.”

Mikati said, “The dollar of withdrawal from banks will be changed, and research on this issue continues to reach an appropriate price. “

He believed that “a sour cup that no one wants to drink is a case of investments, and the state has a responsibility that could cover the issue.” spread and I can not the investor held accountable.” He said that “there is a legal proposal in the House of Representatives regarding the structure of banks, and I hope that the House will examine it.”

In conclusion, Mikati said, “I am optimistic about the country, and we have great potential, and as soon as the situation in the south of Lebanon stands, there will be very positive things ahead of us, and I hope that the new president of the republic. be elected as soon as possible.”

2024-05-02 19:06:37
#Mikati #European #displaced #Syrians #illegal #resident #deported #country #Elnashra.com

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