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Prime Minister Kretschmann is vaccinated against Corona – SWR news

Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Kretschmann has announced it several times: Now he is getting vaccinated against the corona virus. The exact vaccine is not yet known.

On Friday afternoon, Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) should get his first corona vaccination in the vaccination center in the Stuttgart Liederhalle. He had announced several times that he would be vaccinated as soon as possible. In the state election campaign, too, the Green politician emphasized the importance of vaccination against the corona virus as early as possible. At the age of 72, Kretschmann is authorized to vaccinate.

A person receives a corona vaccination.  (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / dpa / dpa Pool | Hauke-Christian Dittrich)

Discussion about side effects: The European Medicines Agency (EMA) continues to consider Astrazeneca’s corona vaccine to be safe

dpa Bildfunk

picture alliance / dpa / dpa pool | Hauke-Christian Dittrich

Kretschmann open to Astrazeneca

If the Astrazeneca preparation is released again on Friday, Prime Minister Kretschmann will be vaccinated with this vaccine, said the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg. If that is not possible, Kretschmann will receive the vaccine that is currently in stock.

Recently, reports about possible side effects of the Astrazeneca vaccine had sparked discussion. On Thursday, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that it was still sticking to the preparation. You have not found an increased risk of blood clots, according to the authority. As a result, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) announced that the vaccinations with Astrazeneca should be resumed on Friday.

Baden-Württemberg has not yet commented on whether and from when the Astrazeneca corona vaccine will be used again.

Lots of reactions on social media

In the ZDF television program “Markus Lanz”, Kretschmann had emphasized that he would be vaccinated with the active ingredient from Astrazeneca. He believes that the side effects of Covid are far more serious for him than he could get with the vaccination, said the Prime Minister.

The announcement of Kretschmann’s upcoming corona vaccination triggered hundreds of reactions on social media. Kretschmann have a role model function and lead by example, it said. Others criticized, for example, that there were too few vaccination appointments overall and that many people had not been able to get a vaccination appointment for weeks.

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