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Prime Minister fears “heavy mortgage for autumn”

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Of: Yannick Hanke

The Bundestag has rejected a draft law on compulsory vaccination in Germany. Stephan Weil reacts with incomprehension – and warns of the pandemic autumn.

Berlin/Hanover – The federal government wanted to take big steps forward with its corona policy – ​​and failed. At least when looking at the vaccination requirement for Germany. The German Bundestag rejected a corresponding draft law, but no majority could be achieved. In Lower Saxony, this causes a lack of understanding and great concern. Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) now warns of an “overburdening of the health system” with a view to Corona in Germany.

Corona in Germany: Draft on compulsory vaccination rejected – is there a risk that the health system will be overwhelmed?

On Thursday, April 7, 2022, the course should be set for the future with regard to the containment of Corona in Germany. But things turned out differently. The law on compulsory corona vaccination in Germany was rejected. In the end, only 296 MEPs should vote for the policy proposal. In contrast, there were 378 parliamentarians who decided against compulsory vaccination.

No vaccination requirement, in addition the mask requirement is largely eliminated: How can Corona be countered in Germany, especially in autumn 2022? (kreiszeitung.de assembly) © Sven Hoppe/dpa/Tom Wang/imago

In a statement from the state of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil extremely regrets that no agreement could be reached in the Bundestag regarding compulsory corona vaccination. “It’s bitter,” the social democrat put his feelings succinctly. If vaccination is not compulsory after all, “in the worst case, we will again be overwhelmed by the healthcare system in autumn and winter […] experience,” says von Weil.

Corona in Germany: Lower Saxony’s politicians worried about the collapse of compulsory vaccination

In addition, Stephan Weil believes that the population would again experience “far-reaching protective measures with the associated restrictions for everyone” as a result of the bursting of compulsory vaccination. Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister is not alone in his disappointment with the rejected Corona draft law. Health Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) takes a similar line in her own ranks:

That’s a heavy mortgage for the fall.

In Lower Saxony alone, around 800,000 adults are still not vaccinated against the corona virus, variants such as Omikron and its sub-form BA.2. However, every effort would be made to convince these people of the vaccination, whose protection against severe corona courses up to Long Covid has already been scientifically proven.

Corona in Germany: So far only 75 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated

After the bursting of the vaccination requirement for Corona in Germany, the next pandemic autumn is also approaching. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 75.9 percent of the population has so far been fully vaccinated against the corona virus. According to many experts, this would not be enough for herd immunity. The value of 90 percent is often rampant when it comes to this topic.

The result: uncontrolled outbreaks with new corona waves can always be possible. In the worst case, the hospitals and clinics in which the institution-related vaccination obligation takes effect would be confronted with a total overload. Since the vaccination protection decreases again over time, older and particularly vulnerable people are given the second booster vaccination and thus the fourth vaccination against Corona overall. When is the next step?

Corona protective measures are no longer applicable almost everywhere: the obligation to wear masks in retail is a thing of the past

This means whether the second booster vaccination is unrestrictedly possible for almost everyone in Germany. The fact is: The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) has so far recommended the second booster vaccination for people over the age of 70, people in care facilities, people with immune diseases and healthcare workers. The rest has been left out so far.

And that despite the fact that many protective measures against Corona in Germany have been shelved. Hamburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania excepted, only basic corona protection applies in the rest of Germany. The mask requirement in retail has fallen, there is only the recommendation to wear a medical protective mask against Corona. However, masks are still compulsory on buses, trains and planes, as well as in hospitals and care facilities.

Corona in Germany: Experts do not rule out increasing numbers of infections and another lockdown in autumn

In view of the current corona situation in Germany, the health effects of a corona infection and the omission of many protective measures, experts are even warning of new lockdowns in autumn. Gerald Saß, CEO of the German Hospital Society (DKG), told the “Augsburger Allgemeine” that “an increase in the number of infections” must be expected at this time of year.

And Frank Ulrich Montgomery, the chairman of the World Medical Association, states the following in the “Augsburger Allgemeine”: “Germany will be in a bad position for next autumn”. If there are not significantly more corona vaccinations than before, Montgomery cannot rule out a “lockdown and contact restrictions” next fall and winter.

Corona autumn in Germany: No compulsory vaccination, only basic protection, 2nd booster vaccination not for everyone

No compulsory vaccination against Corona in Germany, in 14 of the 16 federal states only basic protective measures are in place, and the fourth vaccination is by no means an option for everyone – can that be enough for a carefree pandemic autumn? After all: Depending on the overload of the hospitals and the spread and danger of a corona variant, a Corona hotspot like in Hamburg to be called out.

In this scenario, well-known protective measures such as the obligation to wear a mask or the usual distance requirements apply. In addition, restrictions on admission to certain facilities and companies can be reactivated, meaning 2G and 2G-Plus.

Omicron and subform BA.2 are spreading rapidly in Germany

If the corona pandemic in Germany should become extremely worse, politicians would have to react quickly and implement appropriate measures. But on July 8, 2022, the German Bundestag will go on its summer break, which is befitting its status. The next scheduled week of meetings does not begin until around two months later, on September 5th. While the country’s decision-makers are on vacation, the coronavirus is unlikely to pause.

Politicians are of course aware of this. In the summer months, the Bundestag would at least have the option of convening for an extraordinary session at any time and, for example, tightening the then current Infection Protection Act as part of this meeting. It may also be necessary to respond to new symptoms of omicron and signs that indicate infection with the BA.2 subform. According to the RKI, the omicron subtype BA.2 has now even reached a spread of 88 percent in Germany.

Corona in Germany: Hotspot regulation as an option to reactivate protective measures

In order to get Corona under control in Germany, however, decisions by the federal government are not absolutely necessary. Because the countries could act much faster. In addition to the corona hotspot regulation already mentioned, they could adopt measures that go beyond basic protection. The state parliaments would only have to interrupt their summer break for this.

However, if the pandemic has shown one thing, it is that imponderables have to be reckoned with again and again. If a new corona variant is discovered again, the situation could change very quickly. After all, the vaccines already available might not be effective. Or else, a new variant is spreading even faster than the Omicron sub-form BA.2.

Corona vaccination in Germany possible at the second attempt? Union remains “ready to talk”

Theoretical corona constructs in Germany that should be considered by politicians. Just like a second attempt at compulsory vaccination? The last word does not seem to have been spoken in this case. Thorsten Frei (CDU), Parliamentary Secretary of the Union in the Bundestag, made this clear in a letter to his parliamentary group – dated the day before the vote in the Bundestag:

If no proposal gets the necessary majority tomorrow, this will not be the end of the talks. We were and remain willing to talk.

The opposition in the form of the Union does not completely rule out compulsory corona vaccination in Germany. In the next step, however, it would be up to the advocates of this vaccination requirement from the ranks of the SPD, FDP and Greens to seek dialogue with the CDU/CDU and to respond to the offer.

Corona in Germany: Hot pandemic autumn cannot be ruled out

However, the decision to vaccinate in this way is considered rather unlikely. And yet it would be another attempt to counteract a hot pandemic autumn. Finally, Corona is still present in Germany. And not only causes worry lines in Lower Saxony and at Stephan Weil. (Data as of April 8, 2022) * kreiszeitung.de and 24hamburg.de are an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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