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Prime Minister Conte wobbles, the vote on MES will be crucial

The referral to the Recovery fund hides a spectrum for the Conte-bis government: the use of My and the relationship with Europe.

The birth of the Giallorossi government

Almost a year after its birth, it seems evident now, as confirmed by ilGiornale.it the deputy Pd Stefano Ceccanti, that the Giallorossi government “is the effect of the election of Ursula von Der Leyen as president of the EU Commission and of the anti-European position of Salvini and Meloni “. The pentastellati, in the European Parliament, realized that a government force could not have a frontal attitude towards the European Commission. Two forces, such as M5S and Lega, with such a different European location could not have lasted long. ” A careful observer like Renziano Michele AnzaldiHowever, he reminds us: “In truth, everything started with the victory of David Sassoli for whom the Cinquestelle also vote.” According to the exponents of the majority, however, a real rapprochement was not born at that moment, but only after the fall of the government. “It took Salvini who called for full powers, brought down the government and brought the country to the brink of a very serious institutional crisis to make us find an agreement with the M5S for a new executive, “says the Orfinian Giuditta Pini.

The unsolved nodes of the government: immigration and Mes

Now, however, the Conte-bis appears increasingly shaky, due to the many unresolved knots, including that of theimmigration. “Our position is that the security decrees must be repealed. We had to vote for that obscene reform of the parliamentarians’ cut so everyone, in their own part, has to make sacrifices, “says Pini. An authoritative exponent from Renziano, on the other hand, focuses on the theme of justice: “When you make a new government with an opposite sign to the previous one, you do not leave the same prime minister and the same ministers. Bonafede, for example, claims to pass his reform starting from a reform on which he had started working with the League. You have to start from scratch “. The decisive knot, however, is Europe: “The government stands if it is able to vote for the Mes which is the natural continuation of the vote for von Der Leyen. The Mes is one of those themes: yes / no, an agreement can be found on everything else “. A staunch supporter of the Mes is Piero Fassino who explains: “It is an unconditional tool, except to use it for health purposes. It is 37 billion, or a third of what Italy spends every year on health and, finally, it is a figure that would be disbursed with 0.1% interest rates “. A Renziano deputy who prefers to remain anonymous whispered to us: “The government will hold if it manages to counter the crisis otherwise it has no hope. As for the Mes there is no problem, the grillini will vote for it ”. If only because there are no alternatives to this government. “I do not foresee a re-release of the yellow-green government nor do the leaders of Lega and M5S foresee it. Returning to elections, finally, would not give a clear result and, having to avoid the risk of recession, it is good to avoid the vote and six months of negotiations to give birth to a new government “, prophesies Fassino.

The uncertain future of Giuseppe Conte

Yet Prime Minister Conte seems to like him less and less, and not only to the president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi which never spared him criticism. The misstep on the vote for the DL Elections Thursday, according to some, is a first warning to the Prime Minister that he is starting to frighten his own government allies. If Conte decided to make his own party, according to the latest polls, he would collect 14% of the consents and would remove votes from both the Democratic Party and the M5s. For the supporters of a government of national unity, times are getting shorter and narrower for those who are aiming for elections because the more time passes, the closer the beginning of the ‘white semester’ and the voting for the new tenant of the Quirinale who will take the place of Sergio Mattarella. According to some observers, Prime Minister Conte also aspires to that role and, therefore, his opponents (who are not lacking also within the Movement) are pressing to make him out and the MES could be an occasion.

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