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Prime Minister 丁“Starting from the 24th day of vaccination”… Pfizer vaccine introduced at the end of February

Input 2021.02.08 23:06

Produced by SK Bioscience
AstraZeneca vaccine vaccination from the 24th

Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun announced on the 8th that domestic corona vaccination will be available from the 24th. This vaccine is an AstraZeneca vaccine commissioned by SK Bioscience Plant in Andong, Gyeongbuk. The timing of supplying 117,000 doses (58,500 people) of Pfizer’s vaccine, which will be introduced through the COVAX Facility, an international project for joint vaccine purchase and distribution, was initially in February, but was delayed to the end of February.

▲ Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun is present at the National Assembly on the 8th to answer questions from members of Congress on education, society, and culture. /yunhap news
Prime Minister Chung replied, “Probably about the 24th,” when asked by National Assembly Member Choi Yeon-sook, “is vaccination possible from this month as planned” in a question to the government of the National Assembly. “The vaccine will be available on the 24th, and we are thoroughly preparing, so I think that the vaccination will begin immediately.”

In this regard, the Central Defense Countermeasure Headquarters (Bang Dae-bon) distributed reference materials on this day and said, “At the present time, AstraZeneca vaccine is expected to be supplied sequentially for several days from the 24th.”

Prime Minister Jung said, “When will the 60,000 Pfizer vaccines come in?” asked a member of the Democratic Party of Kang Hospital, “The original state of talks about the beginning of February and then goes to the end of February.”

Prime Minister Chung said that the top priority recipients of Pfizer’s vaccine would be medical personnel. When asked if the prime minister would be right first, he replied, “I don’t think that will happen,” he said and “if there is a case where the need arises to take the initiative, it may be correct.”

For the AstraZeneca vaccine, major European countries such as Germany, France, Austria and Sweden decided that vaccination was not recommended for the elderly. In this regard, Prime Minister Chung explained that the issue of inoculating the AstraZeneca vaccine to the elderly over the age of 65 will be subject to the decision of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety on the 10th. Depending on the decision, vaccination for older people may be disrupted. Prime Minister Chung said, “If there is such a limitation, you can inoculate other vaccines to the elderly,” he said. “So it is not a big problem.”

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