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Pride and worry alternate in political responses to 1.5 billion quakes

On Friday, the government, the mayors and aldermen and the province presented their outline agreement. A total of 1.5 billion euros extra will be sent to the quake area. The deal is mainly about the reinforcement operation, but also about the future prospects for Groningen. It must ensure that Groningen gets out of the problem better.

Agreements made with residents must be honored, but residents are given the freedom to have their home assessed using the most recent insights. Another large group of people does not know where they stand at all. They are financially compensated and with that money they can improve their home and make it more sustainable.

Thursday debate in Lower House

Next Thursday, the Lower House will debate the deal between the central government and the region. The debate was scheduled to take place at the end of October, but has been moved to November 12 because there was no final agreement yet. There is now.

Member of Parliament Agnes Mulder (CDA) is pleased that the agreement provides more clarity and perspective for the residents concerned. ‘If it is insufficient, there must be room to make adjustments,’ she says. ‘We want the cabinet to stand next to the region and show that we solve this problem together.’

There is no cause for satisfaction

PvdA member Henk Nijboer thinks it is good that extra money is going to Groningen, but he also still has concerns. ‘I am afraid that this is seen as a kind of indulgence for Groningen,’ he says. ‘That is really my concern. That this is done once and for all. ‘

During the presentation of the agreement, King’s Commissioner René Paas already made it clear that this is not the case, but he has not been able to allay Nijboer’s concerns. Wiebes and Ollongren are proud to return with a deal with the region. Then people in The Hague will soon say: weren’t they satisfied? But there is no reason to be satisfied yet. ‘

Nijboer is also concerned about the fact that new borderline cases will also arise with this new agreement. People who do not qualify for something, while the other does receive money. “It’s going to lead to new discussions.”

Agreement from directors, not from Groningen

The SP in the House of Representatives is critical of the agreement. The party is afraid that the new agreement will also create new categories, which will further expand the bureaucratic swamp. ‘The administrators celebrate it as a big step, but again it is completely unclear whether and how they will solve the mess that the State has caused with the NAM in Groningen,’ says Sandra Beckerman. ‘The agreement concluded mainly appears to be an agreement for administrators, not for – let alone – Groningen residents.’

Beckerman agrees with the criticism of the Groninger Soil Movement and the Groninger Gas Council. The two civil society organizations believe that too little has been done with their input, so that the victims themselves are not listened to enough. Beckerman: ‘Thousands of residents who have been in uncertainty and insecurity for years will not get a fortified house yet, but a compensation. The ambition to restore Groningen is completely lacking. An agreement must be reached that really resolves the disaster that has been caused. ‘

More clarity and say

The ChristenUnie is happy with the agreement, says MP Carla Dik-Faber. ‘Groningen deserves a perspective on a better future. The package that has been presented ensures that justice is done to the residents of the area. ‘

Dik-Faber calls closing the gas tap as soon as possible a nice first step and according to her the agreement is proof that new steps are being taken. ‘This agreement gives people more clarity and say when it comes to strengthening their homes and investments are made in home improvement for owners and tenants.’

The ChristenUnie is predominantly positive, but also has a critical note. This concerns in particular the inexplicable differences that have arisen in villages, neighborhoods and streets, which have put communities under pressure. 300 million euros will be provided to combat such cases, but the damage has often already been done. ‘This money cannot take away all the suffering that has been caused to people, but I am very hopeful that the measures will actually give people perspective so that they can rebuild their future.’

A nice negotiation result

In the Provincial Council you can also hear the difference between coalition and opposition parties. The VVD and GroenLinks are pleased with the agreement. The SP is critical.

‘It seems that there is now a breakthrough in the long deadlock in strengthening homes,’ says Hendri Meendering (GroenLinks). ‘After a long period of uncertainty, the inhabitants can look ahead again. A great negotiation result! ‘

GroenLinks is very pleased that attention is also being paid to making houses more sustainable. ‘Everyone benefits from this, also in the longer term’, says Meendering. ‘Of course, GroenLinks also has many questions, but hopefully they will be answered in the coming weeks.

There is no real plan

The SP in the Provincial Council and also in the Groningen city council sees no plan to really accelerate the reinforcement, conclude councilor Jimmy Dijk and Parliament member Jan Hein Mastenbroek. ‘Instead, some of the residents will no longer receive any reinforcements at all,’ concludes Dijk.

‘Reinforcing unsafe homes has been dramatic for years,’ says Mastenbroek. ‘Last month, five fortified buildings were completed, the previous month nine. The regulator has therefore been arguing for a crisis approach for years. That will not happen with today’s agreement. ‘

Good news for everyone involved

The VVD in the Provincial Council is especially proud that the agreement has been concluded. “This agreement is good news for all those involved in gas extraction,” says party chairman Erik Jan Bennema. ‘The agreements made give the residents control over the reinforcement of their own homes.’

The liberals also see ‘suitable solutions’ for farmers and entrepreneurs who are in trouble, and an area fund to redesign public space also pleases the VVD. ‘The area fund offers strong development opportunities for new infrastructure and area design. That means concrete opportunities for our Groningers. ‘

‘Gas production is now going to zero’, Bennema concludes. ‘No concessions are made to safety. We hope that this will allow the work to be completed as soon as possible. The long wait can now finally come to an end. ‘

Live stream of the debate

The debate in the House of Representatives about the 1.5 billion euro agreement will be next Thursday. The debate will start at 2 p.m. and is expected to last until 7 p.m. It can be followed via a livestream of the House of Representatives.

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