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“Prices went up again in early 2020”

What is your assessment of the year 2019?

In 2019, we broke records in terms of transactions. In France, there were more than a million transactions last year. In Toulouse, old apartments are selling very well; we are over nine because there are fewer starts, problems with land Today, the agents are in lack of mandates, in lack of products. But there is a contrast between Toulouse and the neighboring departments. In Montauban, Rodez, Albi, 2019 was also a good year.

What are the sales times?

Well placed, an apartment or a house sells in a month, a month and a half and there are no negotiations. It sells for the price.

What is the profile of buyers?

With low interest rates, they are first-time buyers, even if the banks tighten credit conditions a little this year. Then those who are thinking about their retirement. With the reform, they wish to invest in stone which seems to them safer.

In Toulouse, which neighborhoods are rising?

Undoubtedly, it is the hyper-center. There are now intramural apartments at 7,300 € / m2. In these districts, the increase which was already between 5 and 7% in 2019 is between 9 and 10% this year. Among the “good” districts, I will also cite the Côte-Pavée, which will go up again with the metro, Busca, Les Minimes, Paul Sabatier…

Toulouse, a good plan for investors?

In Toulouse, there are 5,900 more intramural inhabitants each year, it is the second city in France for GDP, it is dynamic in terms of employment, economy. And the price per square meter is cheaper there than in Bordeaux or Montpellier. Add to that, an airport, a 3rd metro line. There is no more question to ask.

Which districts should be favored?

In Toulouse, I recommend without hesitation the golden triangle between Saint-Etienne, Saint-Sernin, the Jardin des Plantes, the Carmelites. A little further, Busca and Côte Pavée. And on the outskirts, I’ll go to Labège, Saint-Orens, Quint Fonsegrives, Ramonville.

In your opinion, has the Denormandie system been effective?

It is an effective device for the revitalization of city centers. It works particularly well in Auch, Montauban and Cahors for example. But it’s complicated to set up for an average investor. It is better for him to be helped by a tax adviser who will explain to him what is the package of work to be done in order to be able to tax exempt.

What do you think is the future of the real estate profession?

We must go towards more digitalization. Today people buy on the internet. For me, the solution is an exclusive mandate shared between real estate agencies at the national level. Today, when people buy, they want to know the address and the price. And then go through a real estate agent.

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