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Prices for car insurance 24 percent higher than last year


Mit Beginn der Wechsel-Saison liegen die Preise für Kfz-Versicherungen aktuell 24 Prozent über dem Vorjahr. Das hat eine aktuelle Analyse des Vergleichsportals Verivox zusammen mit der Technischen Hochschule Augsburg ergeben.

Die stärksten Preissteigerungen haben die Versicherer bei der Vollkasko-Versicherung umgesetzt – die Prämien für den Rundumschutz liegen 25 Prozent über dem Vorjahr.

“Für die Versicherer ist vor allem die Vollkasko-Versicherung problematisch”, sagt Wolfgang Schütz, Geschäftsführer der Verivox Versicherungsvergleich GmbH. “Die Teuerungsrate bei Ersatzteilen und Werkstattkosten liegt weit über der allgemeinen Inflation und beschert den Versicherern hohe Kosten für Schadensfälle.”

Auch Teilkasko- und Haftpflichttarife verteuern sich um je ein Viertel – der Kfz-Versicherungsindex des Vergleichsportals Verivox weist Preissteigerungen in Höhe von 22 Prozent in der Teilkasko und 23 Prozent in der Haftpflicht aus. “Ein Ende der Teuerungen ist noch nicht in Sicht und auch im kommenden Jahr werden die Preise weiter steigen. Die Versicherer werden voraussichtlich bis 2026 ihre Prämien anpassen, um wieder in die Gewinnzone vorzurücken”, so Wolfgang Schütz.

Versicherungswechsel kann den Preisauftrieb dämpfen

Obwohl die Prämien auch im günstigen Preissegment um 26 Prozent gestiegen sind, können Autofahrer durch einen Versicherungswechsel den Preisauftrieb dämpfen. Günstige Tarife liegen aktuell über alle Versicherungsarten hinweg um 28 Prozent unter den Angeboten des mittleren Preissegments.

Preissteigerung in der Kfz-Versicherung

Mit einem Wechsel können Autofahrer auch die Preissteigerungen aus den letzten beiden Jahren ausgleichen. 2022 waren die Preise in der Kfz-Versicherungssparte noch vergleichsweise stabil. Günstige Tarife sind aktuell nur ein Prozent teurer als mittlere Tarife im Oktober 2022. Bei der Haftpflicht liegen aktuell günstige Angebote sogar noch sieben Prozent, bei der Teilkasko vier Prozent unter Tarifen aus dem mittleren Preissegment im Oktober 2022. Seitdem sind die Preise über alle Versicherungsarten hinweg um 40 Prozent gestiegen.

“Autofahrer müssen Preiserhöhungen bei der Kfz-Versicherung nicht einfach hinnehmen”, sagt Wolfgang Schütz. “Wer jetzt in einen günstigen Tarif wechselt, zahlt immer noch so viel wie mit einem mittleren Tarif vor der Preiswelle.”

Mehr Spar-Tipps: So können Sie die Kosten senken!

Neben einem Versicherungswechsel gibt es noch weitere Möglichkeiten, die Kosten für die Kfz-Versicherung zu senken. Wir haben die wichtigsten Tipps für Sie zusammengefasst.

  • Rabatte überprüfen: Are you already taking advantage of the discounts you would receive? Many people with insurance do not know that there are discounts for certain professional groups (eg civil servants). There are often discounts for families – or if the insured owns a home. You can use a comparison calculator to quickly find out if you are missing out on discounts – all relevant criteria such as professional group, marital status, etc. are queried there and taken into account when comparing taxes.
  • Jährliche Zahlweise wählen: When taking out car insurance, always choose the annual payment method. Semi-annual, quarterly or even monthly payments are also possible with many companies, but sometimes come with high costs. If you are at Kfz-Versicherungsvergleich If you choose a monthly payment method, you also limit the selection of products significantly. Because with many fees – often the cheap ones – monthly payment is not possible.
  • Kilometer und Anzahl der Fahrer überprüfen: Regularly check that all information affecting the amount of contributions is up to date. Do you really drive as many kilometers per year as stated in the contract? If not, change the miles. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to move into the more economical mileage class. The group of drivers should also be monitored again and again – the more drivers use the insured car, the more expensive the insurance becomes. It will be especially expensive when… Fahranfänger among the drivers.
  • Garagenstellplatz: Vehicles parked in a garage suffer less damage. Marten does not bite or Vandalismus occurs almost as often as in cars parked in public access. Therefore, owners can benefit from a garage discount if one is available. The amount of the discount varies from insurer to insurer and is between one and around five percent. However, this concession also leads to an obligation: the vehicle must be parked in the designated parking space most of the time (especially at night).
  • Kasko-Schutz überprüfen: Those who move from comprehensive to comprehensive insurance save the most. Often it is 50 percent of the donation or more in one fell swoop. However, be careful: damage caused by your fault or vandalism is no longer covered. You should only avoid comprehensive insurance if the car’s residual value is very low.
  • Selbstbeteiligung erhöhen: If you don’t want to ditch comprehensive insurance altogether, you can also increase your deductible. This saves money and at the same time the risk remains limited to the newly agreed amount. However, it is not always worth setting more than the amounts that are often chosen of 300 euros (fully complete) and 150 euros (partially complete). In addition to this deductible, the savings on insurance premiums often increase only slightly. Tip: Use an insurance calculator to calculate the savings that come from the different combinations of deductibles.
  • Auf freie Werkstattwahl verzichten: If you offer the option of a free workshop, you can save around seven percent on your insurance premium. Giving up free choice of workshop means that repairs to complete damage can only be carried out by the insurance company’s partner workshops. This does not have to be a disadvantage, because the insurance company is also interested in the workshops doing a good job. In addition, a workshop guarantee often comes with additional services such as special guarantees on repairs, collection services or the provision of a new car. The biggest disadvantage of a workshop link: You may not be able to take your vehicle to a workshop near you. It is also more difficult to choose a workshop that specifically does damage if you are attached to a workshop. In addition, you often cannot take your vehicle to an authorized workshop as the insurance partner workshops are usually independent workshops. So drivers of rental vehicles should be careful. When renting vehicles, it is often necessary to visit an authorized vehicle manufacturer’s workshop. In order for you to be able to benefit from the manufacturer’s good faith rules for other repairs, it is usually necessary to always take your car to an authorized workshop.
  • Zweitwagenregelung nutzen: Many insurers offer a cheaper rate with a special second car policy if the first car policy has received a special no-claims discount. Instead of non-claims class 0, SF class is ½ or even higher. However, apart from a specific SF class for the first car, there may be other conditions attached to the regulation of the second car. For example, a certain minimum age of the driver or a limit on the annual mileage. The second car policy is often especially valuable for new drivers: instead of insuring a car with SF class 0, it can, for example, be insured as a second car of parents with class SF ½ or cheaper.
  • Selbe Versicherung wie Eltern: New drivers can often save a lot on the price of their first car if they insure it with their parents’ company. Prerequisite: Father’s or mother’s policy has a specific SF discount.
  • Rabattübertragung: Young people can also take over a policy with SF discount from a relative if they decline it. However, from the SF classes of a policy, only as many classes can be taken over as the policy’s heir can have a driver’s license.
  • Begleitetes Fahren: If a child is taking part in driving with them at the age of 17, parents should look for an insurer that will respect this. The price of the insurance is then only moderately increased despite the young passenger. In liability insurance, the potential savings compared to standard entry-level driving are around 20 percent in comprehensive insurance, single-digit or even double-digit percent savings can be achieved, depending on the specific case . Bonus for all new drivers who want (or need) to register their own car: This option is and is still the most expensive compared to, for example, second car insurance for parents, but you can also save a few percentage points by driving together. : Almost 21 percent are generally competent.
  • Fahrsicherheitstraining: Many companies offer discounts if the policyholder’s life circumstances reduce the risk of damage. This can include savings for infrequent drivers and regular users of public transport, as well as a discount granted for proven participation in a recognized driving safety training course. Just send a copy of the proof of participation (not older than 3 years) to the insurer and you’re done. The discount is usually given on receipt, and you will receive an addendum to the insurance certificate as a result of the recalculation of the price. What is particularly pleasing is that driving safety training is always worth it, whether it results in a discount or not.
  • Rückstufung berechnen: If there is an accident, you can pay for the damage out of your own pocket. This avoids an expensive downgrade to SF class and the SF discount remains intact. The insurance company usually helps to determine the cheapest option and also provides information about the dates that must be adhered to.
  • Auf Neukundentarif umsteigen: Don’t want to change your insurance? Then make your policy calculated according to the fee for new customers. Because they often pay less than loyal old customers. If you switch to a new, cheaper tariff with the same insurer, it is necessary to take into account the different benefits that this fee may have.
  • 2024-11-05 05:25:00
    #Prices #car #insurance #percent #higher #year

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