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Prices around Grand Paris stations

With the super metro project and the Olympic Games in 2024, the attractiveness of future stations will impact the real estate market. To live or invest, which municipalities will increase in value? Practical advice and answers from our experts.

In terms of transport, accommodation and jobs, the challenges of the Grand Paris Express are considerable. In order to measure the effects, here are some key figures. From here to 2030, it is provided 4 metro lines around Paris, 100 % automatic, 200 kilometers of lines, 68 stations of which 90 % underground, 2 million passengers every day, 18 million m2 of land development opportunities, 60 % of built-up areas near stations, 115,000 job creations and hundreds of thousands of homes.

Smart investment in Greater Paris

With the Grand Paris Express, we must favor the municipalities whose station projects will see the light of day on the horizon 2024, with the organization of the Olympic Games. Example with line 15 south which links Pont de Sèvres to Noisy Champs and whose works have started. Ideally, you should stay close to these future stations, with a maximum distance of 800 meters. You have to have the big interconnections in mind. Stéphane Desquartiers, president of theinvestor’s house gives advice.

Among the promising sectors and the preferred territories: Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen, Villejuif, Le Bourget, Villiers-sur-Marne, Bagneux, Aubervilliers, Champigny, Clamart. These are municipalities with good prospects in terms of mobility and job creation and therefore housing needs. For the most patient: Orsay, Massy Palaiseau and the Saclay plateau.

Which cities will increase in value?

Henry Buzy-Cazaux, President of theIMISI and expert on questions relating to housing responds in the program Keys to real estate.

The prices per line according to the data of the notaries of Grand Paris

Prices per m2 on line 14

Prices per m2 on line 15

Prices per m2 on line 16

Prices per m2 on line 17

Prices per m2 on line 18

Real estate prices in Paris

The Grand Paris Express calendar

Greater Paris: Will property prices soar?

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