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Price of the dollar today Friday May 15, 2020 at the close, exchange rate

Mexico City. Today Friday May 15, 2020 the dollar listed on $ 23.93 pesos, according to data from the investing.com platform. Compared to yesterday’s price, at this moment the peso loses 8 cents against the dollar. According to Banco de México, the exchange rate in the spot interbank market ended at $ 24.01 per dollar. And the FIX ended at $ 23.95. Although the peso closed this Friday with a marginal gain, it declined in the weekly global result. Read They warn that Mexico will have the worst crisis since 1929

Despite the recovery that the peso had yesterday as a result of the publication of the Banxico rate cut, this day the trade tensions between China and the United States, as well as the increase in cases of coronaviruses in different parts of the world, ended up hitting the peso and to other currencies in the currency market.

The Washington government announced some measures that will affect the Asian giant Huawei. Among other things, the Trump administration seeks that the Chinese company does not have access to certain technologies of American origin, so it promotes blocks in the use of software to processors. China is preparing to respond with retaliation against companies such as Apple, Qualcomm and Cisco, among several others.

This factor, together with the most recent outbreaks of coronavirus in countries such as Germany, South Korea and China, keep the markets under concern. So they prefer safer assets to invest in.

Regarding the exchange rate in the different banks of mexico, as published by dollar.info on various financial institutions, the price of the dollar reaches its highest level for sale in the $ 25.30 in Banbajío, while the lowest to buy is in $ 22.00 in Banregio.

Exchange rate: real-time dollar price

Regarding euro, it is quoted at $ 25.93 pesos, for $ 29.03 pesos from the pound sterling overall average.

The Mexican stock market closes the week with a loss of 5.14%

The S & P / BMV IPC index of the Mexican Stock Exchange had a weekly loss of 5.14 percent, having four consecutive days of losses, which broke the two-week bullish mini-streak.

The main local stock index concluded this Friday at the level of 35,691.39 units, the lowest since April 28, which represented a daily drop of 1.12 percent.

Doubts about the measures of lack of confidence and the return of economic activities together with fears about the possibility of a second coronavirus outbreak and the weak or negative result of economic indicators reduced purchasing power throughout the week. An analysis report by Banorte Ixe indicates that the IPC violated the key level of 36,190 integers and in the event of not recovering said level, it runs the risk of expanding the correction.

Stock markets in the US, with moderate profit

In the United States, despite this and a 16.4 percent annual drop in retail sales for April, the biggest drop since it was recorded, the main indexes closed the day with moderate gains.

The Dow Jones, the Standard & Poor’s and the Nasdaq rose 0.25, 0.39 and 0.79 percent on the day, while during the week they accumulated losses of 2.56, 2.26 and 1.17 percent.

With today’s rise, the Nasdaq technological indicator returned to positive terrain so far this year, as it accumulates a gain of 0.47 percent, which is a rapid recovery amid economic difficulties driven by technological actions that have taken momentum in confinement.

In Europe, the main squares closed with increases. The FTSE 100, DAX from Germany and CAC 40 from France advanced 1.01, 1.24 and 0.11 percent on the day each.

With information from Reforma

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