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Price of super gasoline in Ecuador reaches record figure | Economy | News

The price of a gallon of super gasoline was located at $ 3.68 on February 12, 2022, after the last update published by the Energy Regulation and Control Agency.

This value represents a record figure, says Oswaldo Erazo, executive secretary of the National Chamber of Petroleum Derivatives Distributors (Camddepe).

It is the highest price recorded since it was liberalized and it is due to international oil prices that are above $90 per barrel”, he points out.

Erazo considers that there are several factors that lead to the international price rising and being reflected in Ecuador. “The crisis between Ukraine and Russia, the strong climate in the northern hemisphere, the energy imbalance between supply and demand”, points out.

Super gasoline recovered price this January 12, after a transitory drop in December

Super gasoline represents an increase of $0.16 compared to the value of the previous month, which was $3.52.

The new price applies to the country’s automotive sector and according to the state oil company Petroecuador, the value It will be valid until March 11, date that for Erazo could occur another adjustment with an upward trend.

Super gasoline is the only one whose price is liberalized and fluctuates according to the international values ​​of the West Texas Intermediate (WTI). This liberalization was decreed since December 2018.

Meanwhile, the values ​​​​for the extra and ecopaís remain frozen at $ 2.25 and for diesel at $ 1.90 from October 2021.

While, in the last two months the gallon of super gasoline has had an increase of $0.28.

In December 2021, a gallon of this gasoline was priced at $3.40 and now in February it was $3.68.

When to use extra or super gasoline in my car

In social networks, citizens reacted to the increase in gasoline. Some indicated that life in the country is becoming more expensive every day and others completely rejected such an increase.

Citizen Roberto Aguilar said that the increase affects everyone. “Of course it affects because not only the rich put super gasoline, I put super in my car,” he said.

While others pointed out that the income is not enough to face the scenario of the increase in super gasoline added to the income tax and other items. (I)

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