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price increases and news Revenue write the end

There is no doubt that the Superbonus 110% and the home bonuses have circulated a lot of money in Italy and have been an element of great dynamism for the construction sector.

But now too many things have changed on the Superbonus and the experts in the sector say that probably the end may really have come for the house bonuses. Let’s see in order what is happening.

First of all, the increases in the prices of raw materials have reached truly exorbitant figures and now the 20% more ceiling on costs guaranteed by the latest MiTE price list seems very small indeed. With the crisis in Ukraine, prices are likely to end up really at unmanageable figures and many companies and many clients are starting to pull the oars into the boat. But there is also the issue of € 4.4 billion of fraud discovered around home bonuses. The squeeze on the assignment of credits that followed was really a blow and many construction sites stopped.

The new multiple disposals are not liked

People were expecting clarity from the government but this clarity came only in part. If it is true that the new legislation on the assignment of multiple credits reopens the possibility of multiple assignments around the same credit, it is also true that this is a really tough piece of legislation. The cap is set at three transfers but this would not be the real problem of this legislation. The real thorny issue is that after the first sale all the others will only have to take place among a few selected banking institutions and all transfers must be accompanied by an identification code.

Too hard

This identification code aims to make the documentation that justified the credit transfer always immediately recoverable. But it also means that the credit cannot be broken up and must always travel as a unit. This represents yet another limit for credit which becomes less attractive for banks. Moreover, the banks are already embroiled in numerous checks by the taxman and just as many are about to arrive.

Read also: A liter of gasoline sold at its weight in gold (crazy figure) but the bonus arrives

Read also: Home bonus: facades and architectural barriers splash 110%

So these credits now end up being decidedly less welcome. The hardness given to the sworn technicians was then truly tremendous. In fact, for the technician who makes a mistake, there are penalties ranging from € 50,000 to € 100,000 and even imprisonment from 2 to 5 years. These measures are foreseen for the error since for the fraud they are even increased. In short, it is not surprising that many experts in the sector speak of a reform that will in reality give very little impetus to construction sites.

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