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PRI prepares licenses for its 15 senators to attend debate on judicial reform

Mexico City. PRI national leader Alejandro Moreno met this Friday with judges, magistrates and workers of the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) who are dissatisfied with the constitutional reform in this area, to whom he promised to vote against the initiative when it is discussed in the Senate.

Accompanied by the coordinator of the PRI senators, Manuel Añorve, Alito said that in the PRI “we firmly believe in respecting the separation of powers, since it is an essential pillar of democracy.”

During the meeting, held at the headquarters of the tricolor party, Moreno stated that “our senators will vote against any reform that weakens the judiciary and puts the balance between the powers at risk.”

A few hours earlier, the PRI leader had stressed that he will meet with the 15 senators of that party and their substitutes to ensure that no legislator is absent on the day the PJF reform is voted on, in order to be able to vote against it.

In a statement, he stressed that his party “will have the licenses of all its legislators ready, to prevent any contingency that puts their presence at risk on the day of the vote. […] What we did was prepare for everyone to be present in person and we will meet, as we have done on other occasions, with the party’s alternate senators.”

He stressed that the 15 members of the bench have publicly pledged their word and their commitment to vote against. “It is a full commitment. We established, as the party’s commitment states, to go with a unified vote. All 15 of us are against the reform of the Judicial Branch.”

Moreno emphasized that “we will have everyone’s licenses ready, so that there is no such thing as: the plane left me, or that I arrived late. We will immediately make it effective, it will be decided in the Plenary and all 15 PRI senators will be present.”

He reiterated that the 15 PRI senators “will go together in a unified vote” against the bill, and denounced that it “intends to take over the Judicial Branch and undermine it, to put judges in place so that they can make arbitrary decisions and who do not have the necessary training to dispense justice. We will not allow that.”

He also stressed that “it was clear, it was evident, it was firm that the commitment was not only to vote against, but to be present on the day of the sessions, starting on Monday, to be present in each and every one of the sessions that are held.”

Regarding Senator Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís, who was convalescing in the hospital, he clarified that “he has been discharged” and considered that he is a “committed” legislator, who is clear about his vote against the reform of the Judicial Branch and has expressed it publicly in various media outlets.

Alito reaffirmed his support for the workers of the Judicial Branch, the students who have defended him “bravely,” as well as the judges and magistrates.

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– 2024-09-14 18:17:08

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