Home » today » World » Prezident Zeman je na dovolen na Vysoin. Tradin se proplul na gumovm lunu | Domov

Prezident Zeman je na dovolen na Vysoin. Tradin se proplul na gumovm lunu | Domov

Prague President Milo Zeman is on vacation at Vysoin. Tradin sailed on his favorite rubber moon and visited the source of the river Oslava. His talk Ji Ovek said it on Twitter. Ovek said that Vysoin Zeman will be ahead. On Wednesday, US Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo should receive him at Prague Castle.

This year, Zeman chose a holiday from the arrest until the end of July, he insisted on it in Lny. He went to Vysoin, where he co-owns a property in Novm Vesel, and now. On Saturday, Ovek published photos of the president in his yellow-blue inflatable moon, and on Sunday he added a photo from the source of the Celebration. Today I went to the tourist source of the river Oslava. After a recent vandalism, the mayor of Novho Vesel, Zdek Kivnek, and his colleagues repaired it. Thank you for a great job! quoted the president as saying. In the past, Zeman regularly met with his friends at the spring, and a march by the town, TJ Sokol, also took part.

According to Ovek, Zeman na Vysoin will be pr dn. How bad the program will be, it’s up to the president, he added. On Wednesday, Zeman should be back at Prague Castle, because he has a meeting with Pompeii.

A kadoron travels to Novho Vesel na Vysoin Zeman, but in recent years he has begun to insist on a mess in Lny, which serves as the country’s presidency. In the village, he has the status of a house in which he would like to move after the end of the presidential term.

In addition to the president, the government, who manages the holidays, ends on August 17. However, some ministers will meet with Prime Minister Andrej Babi (YES) on the budget in the first month.

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