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previews are a hit in Côte d’Or

He is already breaking all records. The movieAlexandre astier, sequel to the eponymous series broadcast on M6 until 2009, is particularly awaited by the public. 200 000 places were sold throughout France even before the release of the film, the first part of a trilogy, this Wednesday July 21 2021. In Côte d’Or, more than 3000 spectators were present at the previews. Of which more than half in the cinema Cape Verde, in Quetigny, near Dijon.

Ten years of waiting for the fans

Many came with family or friends. Luc, in his thirties, is accompanied by his childhood friends: they are waiting for this date for more than 10 years. “We’ve been waiting since the end of the series, in 2009, and it’s been _ceaselessly pushed back_. We grew up with Kaamelott. Even today, not an evening goes by without reference to it. Sometimes I just put on episodes to fall asleep!“Damien even speaks of a effet star wars : “The community is super tight, it has a lot of derivative products, common references, with cult phrases. For me, it’s the movie of the decade.

When leaving the sessions, smiles are always on the faces. Some had never seen Kaamelott, like Marine: “It’s very easy to follow, even if we don’t know the series. I had a great time!“Others had real expectations:”There is a _big budget_, beautiful attack scenes, great music, raises Amélie, a fan since her adolescence. I can’t wait to see what the next installments will give.

In cinemas, “it’s nice!”

Pascal Vanin, the director of the cinema Cape Verde, did not expect such a success. Faced with strong demand, he opened additional places. Four screenings in the evening, and each time, the film is screened in 4 rooms simultaneously, to welcome the 1500 or so people who have booked.

It’s quite exceptional, and then it’s nice! The weather is nice, people are in a good mood, they are going to see a movie that puts them in a good mood even more“, he congratulates himself. He hopes that the implementation of the health pass for places of culture and leisure, from this Wednesday, does not stop the trend: “It’s going to be a little more complicated, but I’m still optimistic that people can come and enjoy their movie anyway. “

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