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“Previews… and more!” at the Cuccuruccuccu Yoga Space in Milan – Alessandria today – italianewsmedia

PianoinBilico Cultural Association



Traveling exhibition with interpreted readings and live music

First appointment of the review. Topic: IMMIGRATION

Saturday 2 November at 7.30pm and 9.00pm | Cuccuruccuccu Yoga + (Viale Piceno 23A, Milan)

The first appointment of the theater review “Previews… and more!”, promoted and produced by the PianoinBilico Cultural Association, has as its theme theImmigration and will see the dialogue between the great epic poem “Odyssey” by Homer, read by the actress Giulia D’Imperio, and the text “UNOUNO” by the author, director and actor Ippolito Chiarello. On the one hand there is Ulysses and his historic attempt to return home, on the other a boy, whose Odyssey is marked by a journey lasting almost 10 years, which will end with his becoming an adult. The journey as a metaphor, the journey as a necessity, the journey as a discovery.

Together with the two actors, the accordionist Bruno Galeone (who will accompany Ippolito Chiarello) and the drummer Alessandro Rossi (who will accompany Giulia D’Imperio) will participate in the mise en espace with their live music. The reading will be held at the space Cuccucucccucco Yoga+ in Viale Piceno 23A, in Milan and will be held twice (at 7.30pm and 9.00pm) to accommodate a large audience.

This event inaugurates the traveling exhibition “Previews… and more!”, a new format proposed by the PianoinBilico Cultural Association to unite the public of bookshops with that of unconventional spaces in Milan. From 2 November to 21 December there will be a series of cultural events held in places throughout Milan, located in different neighborhoods (from the center to the outskirts), selected for their ability to welcome and create an intimate atmosphere with the public. The shows will take place in the mode of reading interpreted with live music: each event will feature one or two professional actresses and a talented musician, thus creating an immersive and engaging experience.


After various experiences with Dario Fo and ten years with the Koreja Company of Lecce, he embarked on his own independent path in 2007 with his theatrical theme Nasca teatri di terra. He collaborates with the Factory Company, La luna nelletto, Teresa De Sio, Giorgio Barberio Corsetti, Mario Perrotta. With “Mattia and his grandfather” in 2019 he won the prestigious Eolo Award, best show 2020, the children’s theater Oscar. He focuses on the public-artist relationship and creates the modality of Theatrical Barbonaggio (2009). It reaches more than 300 Italian cities, and many European cities and capitals (Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Paris, London, Berlin, Nantes) and Canada (Vancouver). It becomes a theatrical movement, nominated for the UBU Award and the Rete Critica Award in 2014. In cinema he works, among others, with the directors Edoardo Winspeare, Antonio Morabito, Cosimo Alemá, Cristina Comencini, Luca Miniero and with Virna Lisi, Claudio Santamaria, Claudio Gioè, Luisa Ranieri. He has been teaching acting at the Mediterranean Actor Academy in Lecce since 2016.


Actress, director, dancer and singer. His training developed between the study of foreign languages, the Arsenale theater school in Milan, an academic course for dance, music theory and singing and various workshops with Sud Costa Occidentale, Emma Dante, Silvia Gallerano, Francesca Viscardi Leonetti (teacher Black Nexuss NYC and assistant to Susan Batson, Actor’s Studio NYC), Lola Cohen, Juan Fernandez.

Founder of the Odemà theater company, winner of the “Premio Scenario 2009”, “Premio dello Spectatore 2010” and “Play Festival 2014” organized by Atir and Piccolo Teatro di Milano. She is currently on stage with “Le parole delle madri”, taken from the same book , written by Roberta Gualandri and Silvia Icardi, directed by Paola Albini; in collaboration with the Rava Foundation. At the theater he has collaborated with Emma Dante, Civilleri Lo Sicco, Omar Nedjari, Emilio Russo, Bartlett Sher, Amii Stewart, Raffaele Paganini. At the cinema she was directed by Marcello Macchia (alias Maccio Capatonda) for several clips broadcast with Mai dire Monday.


Alessandro Rossi is considered one of the most talented and eclectic drummers on the current jazz scene. Graduated with top marks in “Drums and Jazz Percussion” at the Pavia conservatory, Siena Jazz awarded him the scholarship in 2014 to participate in the IASJ, an international jazz masterclass directed by Dave Liebman, which took place the following year (2015). in Lisbon. First in the national ranking established by Italian conservatories, he was the drummer of the ONJGT (National Orchestra of Young Talents of Italian Jazz) directed by Paolo Damiani, with which he collaborated with Enrico Rava and Paolo Fresu. In the summer of 2018 he won first prize in the “Tomorrow’s Jazz” competition promoted by Veneto Jazz, which allowed him to perform at the prestigious “Dizzy’s Coca Cola – Jazz at Lincoln Center” in New York. An active and sought-after sideman, he has performed all over the world. Germany, France, Portugal, Sweden, Ukraine, Romania, United States, Canada, China and Japan. In 2017 his first album as a leader was released for the prestigious CAM JAZZ record label. Relevant is the collaboration with the trumpeter Giovanni Falzone with whom he recorded L’arancio delle Fate (Parco della Musica) and Pianeti Affini (CAM JAZZ). There are several collaborations with artists of the caliber of Riccardo Fioravanti, Roberto Cecchetto, Gianluca Di Ienno, Fulvio Sigurtà, Andrea Dulbecco, Bebo Ferra, Marco Micheli, Paolino Dalla Porta, Tino Tracanna, Claudio Filippini, Enrico Zanisi, Jacopo Ferrazza, Rob Luft, Antonio Zambrini, Simone Daclon, Andrea Lombardini, Yuri Golubef, Simona Severini, Malika Ayane, Michele Polga, Gabriele Evangelista, Camilla Battaglia, Filippo Vignato, Fausto Beccalossi, Alessio Menconi.


Bruno Galeone began studying the accordion with Maestro Giuseppe Cavallo from San Marzano (TA), thanks to whom he was the winner (in all categories) of the “White City” International Competition of Ostuni. At the age of 12 he continued his studies under the guidance of Maestro Carmine di Marco di Capistrello (AQ). He participated in the international competition “Città di Capistrello” always obtaining the First Prize in three consecutive editions (2004 – 2005 – 2006); furthermore, he also obtained the First Prize at the international competition “Città di Atri” in 2005. Since 2006 he has been a student of Maestro Alessandro Gazza from Veglie (LE), with whom he obtained the First Prize overall at the international competition “Città di Ariano Irpino nel February 2007 and at the international competition “N. Van Wasterhout” of Mola di Bari in May 2008; in 2012 he obtained the first prize at the IV International Art Festival “I COLORI DELL’ARTE” in S. Giorgio Jonico.

He also held various concerts, both as an accompanist of the choir of the Circolo Culturale Galileo of Trepuzzi, directed by Maestro Nicola Germinario, and as a soloist in various towns in Puglia. In October 2016 he collaborated as an accordionist with the ICO Orchestra of Maga Grecia for the show “Latin Rhythm”, held in Taranto, Matera and Bernalda and directed by Antonio Palazzo, with the collaboration of the Spanish tenor Miguel Borrallo. In the academic year 2010/11 he obtained a diploma in accordion at the “G. Verdi” in Milan. In the 2014/15 school year he was an accordion teacher at the Liceo Artistico e Musicale di Potenza.

He graduated in piano, with top marks, from the “N. Rota” of Monopoli, under the guidance of Maestro Nunzio Dello Iacovo. He has participated in various important piano competitions,

always achieving good results, including: the “Igor Strawinsky” National Competition in Bari in 2003,

where he was awarded the 1st Prize (in category); 1st Prize at the “Onde Musicali” competition in Taranto in 2003; in the same year, he was the ex aequo winner, in his own section, at the “Valentino Bucchi” International Competition, section. “The piano for children, literature of the 20th century” by the foundation of the same name in Rome; in 2004 he obtained the 1st Prize at the European Competition “P. Silver” by Gioia del Colle. He obtained 2nd Prize at the 6th European Grand Prix of Music “Mendelssohn Cup” in Taurisano and at the National Competition “V. Martini” of Massafra, participating in both competitions in a category (reserved for high school graduates) higher in age than their own. He also obtained 2nd Prize at the “Città di Cesenatico” National Piano Competition. In 2013 and 2014 he participated as a pianist accompanist in the International Competition “Premio Terra degli Imperiali” in Francavilla Fontana. He also carries out concert activities in various towns in Puglia, both as a soloist and performing chamber music.

Below is the rest of the event programme:

Saturday 9 November at 7.30pm and 9.00pm | NOI bookshop (Via delle Leghe 18, Milan)


Tiziana Francesca Vaccaro: “The snow at the bottom of the sea” by Matteo Bussola

Paola Albini: “Agostino” by Alberto Moravia

Saturday 16 November at 7.30pm and 9.00pm | Cento Fiori bookshop (Piazzale Dateo 5, Milan)


Cecilia Vecchio: “Fronts and Borders” by Joyce Lussu

Tiziana Vaccaro: “The path of the spider’s nests” by Italo Calvino

Cameo from “Iris Versari: a partisan biography” by Sandra Bellini

Friday 22 November at 7.30pm and 9.00pm | Entertainment bookshop (via Terraggio 11, Milan)


Giulia D’Imperio: “Memory of my sad whores” by Gabriel Garcìa Márquez

Cecilia Vecchio: “You don’t die of love” by Federico Riccardo (taken from the book “Le vie di mezzo – Immobility exercises”)

Thursday 28 November at 9.00pm | MaMu Magazzino Musica (via Francesco Soave 3, Milan)


Francesca Rummo: “The words of mothers” by Roberta Colombo Gualandri and Silvia Icardi

Benedetta Cesqui: “A Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf

Friday 6 December at 9.00pm | Aprés Coup (private street of Braida 5, Milan)


Livia Castiglioni: “Dracula” by Bram Stoker

Silvia Giulia Mendola: “Così forever” by Chiara Valerio

Saturday 14 December at 7.30pm and 9.00pm | Small Secret Space (via Giovanni Cadolini 34, Milan)


Benedetta Cesqui: “Rita” by Francesca Lanni and “Medea” by Euripides

Saturday 21 December at 9.00 pm | Casa Vico (via Vico 30, Milan)


Silvia Giulia Mendola, accompanied by Michele Fagnani on guitar and Alessandro Rossi on drums: “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens.

Together with the actresses, each evening a musician will be present: Alessandro Rossi on drums or Michele Fagnani on guitar.


FULL TICKETS: €15, REDUCED (under 18 and over 65): €10

INFO and RESERVATIONS – [email protected] – 3497085598

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