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Preview Hades 2: I’ve played 25 hours and the game really starts now. I just want to go back! on PC

Preview Hades 2: I’ve played 25 hours and the game really starts now. I just want to go back!

Published on 05/06/2024 at 7:00 p.m.

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On the heels of the technical test rolled out in mid-April, Hades 2 received a closer look. I was able to play the title’s early access, for almost 25 hours, to an almost final version. And killing time has never been so satisfying.

It’s impossible to hide my overwhelming enthusiasm for Hades 2: while I missed the technical test phase launched in mid-April, I was able to more than catch up through the game’s early access. A much more complete version including five of the six weapons, almost all zones and almost complete freedom over my activities. The 25 hours I devoted to this long-awaited sequel caused only positive emotions in me (besides the frustration of defeat, of course). This early access does not give players time to get bored given the already titanic content it offers. In fact, it promises many hours of entertainment even if the most important thing is missing to really form a definitive opinion. Back on my delicious trip to the Underworld.


  • A new story for an identical narration
  • A divine time
  • Hades 2 rectifies the faults of 1 while taking care of its qualities

So as not to waste your time

As I said, Hades 2 was the subject of a technical test in mid-April. Enough to allow many players to get their hands on it and discover the second opus for the first time.god-like” developed by Supergiant Games. Since an overview has already been devoted to the game through this version, I will not dwell on some of the new features already mentioned. It is more important for me to talk about what is new offered by this early access.

My enthusiasm for Hades 2, pushing me to tell what I saw, conflicts with my desire not to divulge anything. It is these moments of surprise, which I want to share, which increased my pleasure tenfold during these 25 hours of play. This is why I try as much as possible not to spoil the adventure while reporting my feelings as faithfully as possible.. For those who simply want to know more, a whole section is dedicated to spoilers in the JV Fast dedicated to my trip.

A new story for an identical narration

As players were able to see with the technical test, Hades 2 highlights a new protagonist. This is Mélinoé, younger sister of Zagreus. She is educated by Hecate, a witch from the crossroads who presents herself as an adoptive mother, with the aim of defeating Kronos. The latter, father of Hades and grandfather of Mél’, for his own motivations, decides to take the Underworld hostage. And in Hades video games, we don’t touch family. This kind of coup d’état is not to everyone’s taste. Several personalities, new or already seen, therefore provide their support to our heroine: famous mythological figures, demigods and Olympians are part of the cast.

In its narrative, Hades 2 takes up what made the first episode successful. The dialogues always have something new to offer, whether it is to reflect on the journeys of the protagonists or in their questions. I even have the impression that love stories are forming between the extras over the hours! Defeating Kronos is not synonymous with the end of the story. It is even if this sequel borrows from its predecessor, that the beginning of a new chapter. The dubbing remains excellent and despite the few missing translations, we read each dialogue box in full.

Generally speaking, Hades 2 still does very well for its writing. I personally appreciate the context less, that of the first being very successful: the duality between the father and his son, whose dialogues ooze second degree, is enjoyable to follow. As for this second episode, it’s more about being the good guy who overthrows the bad guy. A supposition with which we risk a lot as we know that the plot can evolve to prove us the opposite. That’s what appeals to me: the storyline is always moving forward all the time and constantly manages to surprise. I exclaimed but above all wondered about the fate of this or that protagonist. The developers at Supergiant Games act as the conductor of a superbly paced work that is not just about passing the time as you never get bored.

The development of upgrades has been improved.

A divine time

Everything has to be relearned.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again because it’s important: this early access guarantees hours and hours of gameplay. A feat achieved thanks to substantial content, almost bug-free, with a breathtaking tempo. Something new is always happening and not just in the exchanges between characters. Between arcana to improve, aspects of weapons to try or buildings to construct, I was constantly stimulated. And that’s even after more than fifteen hours of play.

This highlights how well Supergiant Games knows its players, their rhythm and their way of doing things to offer them a little extra something each time, at the right time. Enough to convince yourself to try “one last time” to go to the end. Sometimes a plant or ore is missing to make a particular recipe or improve a particular arcane. There is sometimes a bit of frustration in rerolling just for a small resource, but this frustration is quickly put aside once a new game begins.. In fact, we quickly immerse ourselves in the action sequences, where caution, nervousness and reflection make up a cocktail of tasty gameplay already known to fans of the first episode.

It is thanks to the divinity Selene that we have access to the Spell: a very powerful ability that we (especially) do not want to deprive ourselves of.

Hades 2 rectifies the faults of 1 while taking care of its qualities

But is Hades 2 too much like its predecessor? One of the criticisms often highlighted against the latter was the linearity of its construction. Zagreus, to escape his father, took the same path. By trying to escape, we even learn the places listing the same blessings. If Hades 2 uses this same identical construction of biomes (at least during the first 25 hours), it is more difficult to predict in advance what bonuses will litter the journey.

Trying not to spoil, a major new feature (probably the one that will get the most attention) manages to break this repetitiveness. This is literally positioned as a real breath of fresh air both in the construction and the new features it brings (characters, dialogues, fights, etc.). I talk about this in more detail in FAST, available above, for those who can’t suppress their appetite.

The Testament, new form of contract from the first game.

Making something new with something old: no other expression is possible to describe what Supergiant Games manages to do with Hades 2. It keeps its combat system close to action role-playing games (I really sometimes had the feeling of playing Diablo more than Dead Cells for example). Playing Hades 2, even after dozens of hours on the first, means having to relearn everything: enemies, weapons, benefits… A learning process that gives rise to enjoyable game sequences punctuating the adventure on multiple occasions. A feat especially since the game manages to make EACH (emphasis on each is important here) possible combination exquisite.

The trials of Chaos allow you to vary your experiences. We can’t wait to see the final result!

However, personally, I still have some reservations. While I have no problem saying that Hades is an excellent game, it falls short in its roguelite mechanics and in the triggering of its story. Reproaches that I could make to him in a dedicated paper. From then on, I hope for a bit of additional content (more blessings from God, and the return of the Legendaries) with better integrated scripts at the end of the game.

Very quickly, it is appropriate to address the artistic direction. Already praised in the previous episode, it is sublimated in this sequel. It is more polished, more immersive while offering more detailed animations. It’s the original soundtrack, between rearranged pieces and new tracks, which is a treat for the ears even after 20 hours of play.

A breath of fresh air, literally.

Nos impressions

I spent 25 hours on Hades 2 and loved every minute of it. Triumphant once does not conclude the story but constitutes the beginning of a new chapter that I am looking forward to devouring. This early access, in addition to providing colossal content, allows us to see that the developers at Supergiant Games have refined an already divine formula: gripping narration; a breathtaking rhythm and enjoyable and dense gameplay. There are still some things left, but Hades 2 already has everything excellent. He can already slip into the contenders for GOTY 2025, five years after his senior. For that, we will have to wait for the release of 1.0, scheduled for next year, to form a definitive opinion. Good thing we found the perfect way to kill time.

Editorial opinion


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