is all i share withyou guys live, he’s back withyour.hope: several schools in theschool district andvicinity of the stationsunset pair pa were thepreventive closure.adriana: íctor javier solanotells us the situation.íctor: adriana and hope,good evening.after the tremendous scare thatmany parents were taken frompresented at the stationsubway, the situation has beenin a normal state andschools meet herwere closed in situation what you call a seriesof protocols that theyimplemented in situations ofemergency, like this onehe showed up categories thatdelimit as lock down ofhigh level or soft.In this case, the studentsmeet their teachersbehind closed doors in his living roomclass, in activitiesapparently normal.internet service wascanceled for a precautionary measure andsecurity.the chancellor of education3:30 in the afternoon said thatthe situation was leftnormalized, boys and girlsthey had returned to their homessafe and sound..parents’ concernfamily continues, theythey are afraid that anothercan cause to arouse. whatdo what you have to doto preserve the lives of theirall the people who usethe mass transportation system.he only asked if II’m going to stay at school, butUntil they let him outi. You have to trust in GodGod is the one in controlall at the end of the day.what we can do is trustmore than that.íctor: don’t you feel protected?>> no, it’s not what we can could there became in dressed like omowas that what happened?I don’t, how come I don’tíctor: many more questionswhat answers that’s why it ismobilizing both theauthorities. The Department ofnew york police foroffer answers, thatit means being with himcaused the shooting in thissame wentfor now it’s allinformation that I offer you.the authorities have not saidthat there will be no classes on the daytomorrow, so it seems that everythingwill continue normally,less in this sunset area