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Prevention enters the factory: agreement reached for the vaccination of 31,000 employees

Confindustria Udine and trade unions sign the protocol for the promotion of the flu vaccination campaign

UDINE. The goal is to safeguard the health of workers as much as possible, avoid the accumulation of thousands of sick days and avoid, as much as possible, quarantines or worse, forced blocks due to coronavirus. And so Confindustria Udine signs the agreement with the trade unions for the promotion of the flu vaccination campaign in factories. Manufacturing workers in the province of Udine number about 54,000, while those employed by companies that are part of the Confindustria galaxy are 31,000. Of course, this is a voluntary option, but it is still encouraged, given the particular year marked by Covid. A similar initiative was signed a few days ago by Confindustria Alto Adriatico with the unions.

Inform workers about the advisability of the 2020 flu vaccination. Take action to ensure that the flu vaccine is available to companies in sufficient quantities to cover requests. Finally, in the companies associated with Confindustria Udine, promote the flu vaccination campaign in favor of workers who voluntarily join it. These are the main points of the agreement signed by the president of Confindustria Udine Anna Mareschi Danieli together with the Joint Territorial Committee of Udine (Cptu), which includes representatives of Confindustria Udine and the trade union organizations Cgil Udine, Cisl Udine, Cisl Alto Friuli and Uil Udine. At the signing of the agreement, in Palazzo Torriani, in addition to the president of the trade association Mareschi Danieli, the members of the Cptu were present: for the trade unions the secretaries Natalino Giacomini (Cgil Udine), Renata Della Ricca (Cisl Udine), Maurilio Venuti (Cisl Alto Friuli) and Luigi Oddo (UIL Udine); for Confindustria Udine the engineer Claudio Pantanali, the general manager Michele Nencioni and Dr. Eva Pividori. It should be noted that the Cptu will undertake to carry out a survey of the potential needs of the companies that decide to join this project, then working to find a way to respond to the needs that emerged from the survey.

The companies that choose to carry out the flu vaccinations in favor of the employees and the administered workers will assume the cost with a view to social responsibility and attention to the health of their collaborators. The vaccination will be carried out by qualified persons identified by the company, who will also take care of the transmission of the names of the vaccinated workers to the competent bodies. The companies that adhere to the flu vaccination promotion campaign will have until 30 September to notify the Cptu. It is estimated that participation, both by companies and by workers, can be quite high, given the awareness on the subject.

«Since the beginning of the pandemic – comments Anna Mareschi Danieli – we have collaborated to promote safety in the workplace, signing various protocols in this regard with the trade unions, the first of which dates back to 5 March. This initiative continues in the same direction. Our companies are always at the forefront for the safety of the workplace and the protection of human resources. We will do our best to promote the vaccination campaign and businesses will bear the necessary costs. We hope that all the required doses will be available at the right moment ». “It is an important agreement not only for the objective it pursues, but because it confirms the path of shared management of health prevention measures, which is fundamental not only in terms of combating Covid, but as an overall approach to health policies and safety at work “. This, however, is the comment of the trade unions, entrusted to the territorial secretaries of Cgil, Cisl and Uil Giacomini, Della Ricca, Venuti and Oddo, who however warn the institutions and health companies on the importance of “strengthening prevention and supervision even in less monitored areas such as procurement and non-unionized micro-companies, where the role of representative organizations fails to support the fundamental activity of the institutions in charge ».

It will naturally be important that, once the vaccination campaign has started inside the factories, there is adequate availability of serum. As is known, this year it will be decisive to distinguish the “classic” seasonal flu from possible Covid cases, with a view to the safety and control of the pandemic.

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