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Preventing Tuberculosis Transmission to PLWHA, Yogyakarta City Government Will Conduct Screening

Ilustrasi Tuberculosis. (Shutterstock)

Early detection of TB is also one of our efforts to provide treatment assistance to PLWHA

SuaraJogja.id – To commemorate World AIDS Day in 2022. The Yogyakarta City Government (Pemkot) will intensify disease testing tuberculosis (TB). Testing will target people with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).

Deputy Guardian Jogja City Hero Poerwadi said, these efforts are made so that PLWHA avoid potential exposure to TB disease. This disease, according to him, is fairly dangerous which always lurks them.

“Early detection of TB is also one of our efforts to provide treatment assistance to PLWHA,” said Heroe, Sunday (12/5/2021).

Transmission of HIV/AIDS, he continued, is not only caused by human behavior. However, there is also the use of drugs and needles.

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“I hope there is also a willingness from PLWHA to check their own health status to prevent the level of risk of transmission to others,” he said.

He also appealed to the people of Jogja City to always be disciplined in implementing a healthy life and avoiding behavior that could be a potential transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus.

“Jogja residents are asked to avoid behavior that could be a potential source of HIV/AIDS transmission,” he added.

Head of the Jogja City Health Service (Dinkes) Emma Rahmi Aryani said that his party continues to involve all potential available resources to care and be involved in the health of PLWHA through the implementation of TB screening.

“This Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy (TPT) activity began with training for officers at the Puskesmas. Then they routinely screened people with mobile X-rays,” he explained.

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Screening with mobile X-rays is carried out every Saturday and is centered at Grha Pandawa with a target of 100 PLWHA.

“We also carry out mobile checks in locations that are prone to transmission,” said Emma.

TB prevention for people living with HIV is carried out with a prophylactic therapy program. Handling is also done by giving antiretroviral drugs (ARV) on a regular basis.

“HIV/AIDS patients must take medication regularly so that they can improve their quality of life. This treatment is intended for their safety,” he said.

With good treatment, Emma hopes that PLWHA in Yogya City can get an injection of enthusiasm in continuing their lives.

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