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“Preventing Tuberculosis Transmission: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Prevention Methods”

Tuberculosis, which is often known as TB, is an infectious disease that most often attacks lung tissue, caused by Mycobacterium bacteria and is an infectious disease.

TB transmission occurs when a positive TB patient speaks, sneezes or coughs and indirectly the patient emits sputum splashes in the air and there are ± 3000 sputum droplets containing germs.

Pulmonary TB germs spread to other people through transmission or airflow (sputum droplets of positive TB patients) when the patient is in a room where the droplets are for a long time. Vents that circulate air can reduce the amount of splashing, while direct sunlight entering the room can kill bacteria.

The bacteria contained in the sputum splashes can survive for several hours in dark and damp conditions. Common symptoms experienced when infected with TB are prolonged coughing (sometimes with blood), chest pain, weakness, fatigue, weight loss, fever, night sweats.

WHO recommends the use of rapid molecular diagnostic tests as the initial diagnostic test in all people with signs and symptoms of TB. WHO-recommended rapid tests include the Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra and Truenat tests. This test has high diagnostic accuracy and will lead to major improvements in the early detection of TB and drug-resistant TB.

Student Pharmacist Batch IX at Halu University Oleo Kendari Fayadha Haziq conveyed tips for preventing TB transmission, namely:

1. Maintain endurance

Good immune system will help fight tuberculosis infection. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough rest.

2. Do not share personal items

Mycobacterium tuberculosis can spread through the air, but can also be spread through contaminated objects. Therefore, do not share personal items such as toothbrushes, towels or clothes with other people.

3. Use a mask when in public places

If you are in a public place, especially in a crowded place such as public transportation or a market, wear a mask to reduce the risk of exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.


The BCG vaccine (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) is included in the mandatory immunization list and is given before the baby is 2 months old.

5. Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness

For example in the form of house construction. Through ventilation, air can come out carrying M. tuberculosis and die from the light. routinely open windows every day so that sunlight enters and the air is not damp, because the TB bacteria will die from the light; separating cutlery and drinking with sufferers; and routine drying bed mats.

6. Check yourself immediately if you experience symptoms

If you experience symptoms such as a cough that lasts a long time, shortness of breath, fever, or tiredness that doesn’t go away, see your doctor immediately to get the right diagnosis and treatment. (release/Ahmad Odhe)

2023-05-07 14:57:14
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