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Preventing the Spread of Rabies: 3 Key Steps According to Indonesian Pediatrician

Preventing the Spread of Rabies: Expert Provides Three Main Steps

Jakarta – Dr. Novie Homenta Rampengan, a member of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association’s Infection and Tropical Disease Coordination Work Unit, has outlined three crucial steps to prevent the transmission of the rabies virus to humans, which is commonly transmitted through dogs.

Ensuring the Health of Pets

The first step in preventing the spread of the rabies virus is to prioritize the health of pets, such as dogs and cats, by ensuring they receive routine vaccinations. This measure is essential to protect both the animals and humans from the virus.

Immediate Wound Cleaning

If someone is bitten by an animal at risk of carrying rabies, it is crucial to act swiftly. Dr. Novie advises washing the wound with soap and running water for at least 15 minutes. This thorough cleaning helps remove the virus from the wound. It is important to note that using water from a container, such as a basin, is not recommended, as it may allow the virus to settle in one place.

Prompt Reporting and Medical Treatment

The third step to prevent the spread of rabies is to report the incident immediately to the nearest Puskesmas (Community Health Center), hospital, or Rabies Center. Seeking medical treatment promptly is crucial for receiving appropriate care and preventing the virus from spreading further.

Rabies Cases in Indonesia

According to data from the Ministry of Health, Indonesia recorded over 31,113 cases of rabies and 11 deaths due to the disease from 2020 to April 2023. Dog bites accounted for 95 percent of these cases, with more than 40 percent occurring in children.

Dr. Novie emphasized that children are particularly vulnerable to rabies as they often interact closely with animals. However, there have been no reported cases of death among children thus far.

Government’s Rabies Elimination Strategy

To combat rabies, the Indonesian government has implemented the “Rabies One Health 2030” elimination strategy, targeting all endemic districts and cities. As of 2022, the strategy has achieved an 84 percent success rate in eliminating rabies in these areas.

The strategy focuses on four main schemes: prevention, surveillance, case management, and health promotion. Prevention measures include mass vaccination of rabies-infected animals, pre-exposure prophylaxis for high-risk groups, community empowerment through the Rabies Alert Team (TISIRA), and cross-sectoral coordination.

Surveillance involves integrating information from Animal Health laboratories with the Public Health sector, strengthening outbreak preparedness and response plans, and enhancing information systems.

Case management includes post-exposure prophylaxis, ensuring the availability of anti-rabies vaccines and serum, capacity building for health workers, and integrated bite case management.

Health promotion efforts involve educating the community on proper wound care, guidelines for handling rabies-transmitting animals, and utilizing various media platforms for socialization.

Preventing Rabies: A Collective Responsibility

In conclusion, Dr. Novie emphasizes the importance of early vigilance in preventing rabies. By following these three main steps and implementing the government’s elimination strategy, we can collectively work towards eradicating this deadly disease.

Source: ANTARA News

Author: Ahmad Faishal Adnan
Uploader: Central Kalimantan Admin
Copyright © ANTARA 2023

What are some programs implemented by the government to prevent the spread of rabies in 2020

Orded 145 cases of rabies in 2020, with dogs being the main carrier of the virus. The government has been implementing various programs to prevent the spread of rabies, such as mass dog vaccinations and public awareness campaigns. However, it is essential for individuals to also take responsibility in preventing the transmission of this deadly virus.

In conclusion, preventing the spread of rabies requires three main steps. First, prioritizing the health of pets by ensuring they receive routine vaccinations. Second, immediately cleaning any wounds caused by animal bites with soap and running water. And third, promptly reporting the incident and seeking medical treatment to prevent further spread of the virus. By following these steps, we can contribute to the efforts in preventing the spread of rabies and protecting both animals and humans from this dangerous disease.

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