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Preventing the Spread of Monkeypox: Detection, Prevention, and Rapid Response Efforts by DKI Jakarta Health Service

JAKARTADAILY.ID – In the midst of the spread of Monkeypox virus infection or Monkey Pox, the DKI Jakarta Health Service is intensively carrying out detection, prevention and rapid response efforts to prevent the outbreak from spreading further.

By synergizing with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, a number of efforts have been made, starting from early detection by observing early symptoms so that they can be treated immediately and prevent death.

Also Read: DKI Jakarta Health Service Confirms Positive Cases of Monkey Pox in Total 13 People

“The death rate or Case Fatality Rate is around 1 percent. This means that out of 100 positive cases there is a possibility that one will die. “The majority are due to secondary infections and low immunity conditions in risk groups, such as men who have sex with men (MSM), pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children and the elderly,” explained Plt. Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service Ani Ruspitawati in Jakarta, Thursday (26 October 2023).

Active cases of Monkeypox are not only found in close contacts, but also in suspected symptomatic patients who come to health facilities. Then an examination is carried out by a health worker. If it is deemed to show signs and symptoms typical of Monkey Pox disease, a PCR test is carried out.

To assist with PCR examinations carried out at the Health Development Policy Agency (BKPK) Laboratory of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the DKI Jakarta Health Service has also prepared a DKI Jakarta Regional Health Laboratory (Labkesda).

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Patients who are confirmed positive after a PCR test will immediately undergo a follow-up Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) examination to obtain genetic information regarding the origin of the disease and its spread in the community.

Meanwhile, as a preventive measure, vaccination will begin to be carried out for 500 people from risk groups in Jakarta over the next week. The vaccine is given in two doses for one person with a gap of four weeks, in accordance with the availability of the Monkeypox vaccine in Indonesia of 1,000 doses for 500 people. Apart from that, tracing or tracking is carried out with a special team together with related partners.

Massive outreach and education is also carried out in three ways, (1) Promoting clean and healthy lifestyles, such as wearing masks and washing hands with running water and soap, (2) Avoiding skin contact and wounds, (3) Having safe sexual relations, healthy and clean, and avoid sexual relations if you are sick or have symptoms.

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“Every positive case is immediately isolated in hospital, even suspects with typical symptoms or close sexual contacts who are waiting for PCR results are also isolated in hospital. Meanwhile, for non-sexual close contact, symptoms will be monitored every day by the District Health Center. If you have symptoms, a lab test will be carried out. “And every close sexual contact will be immediately isolated and a lab examination will be carried out,” added Ani.

Finally, the quick response that has been carried out by the DKI Jakarta Health Service is to prepare hospital isolation rooms, prepare antiviral drugs, and actively coordinate with experts at vertical hospitals regarding case management.

Update on the DKI Jakarta Monkeypox case until October 27 2023 at 07.00 as follows:

2023-10-27 18:53:00
#Suppressing #Monkeypox #Expansion #DKI #Health #Office #Prepares #Vaccination #High #Risk #People #Jakarta #Daily #Indonesia #Jakarta #Daily #Indonesia

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