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Preventing Sunburn and Skin Cancer: Tips from Traditional Chinese Medicine

June 29, 2023 07:00

Go out in summer to avoid sunburn, so as not to get cancer!

Some doctors of traditional Chinese medicine pointed out that the intense sunlight is not only prone to sweating, heat rash and sunburn, but also can cause skin cancer in serious cases. Skin cancer is one of the top ten cancers in Hong Kong, and if there are 5 types of moles, it may be a precursor to melanoma skin cancer. There are 5 ways to effectively sunscreen and reduce the risk of cancer.

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Excessive sweating in summer is prone to heat prickly heat 4 parts prone to rash and blisters

What is heat rash?Lin Mingyu, a Chinese physicianfacebook pageThe article pointed out that the appearance of prickly heat is a skin rash caused by continuous sweating under high temperature in summer, which leads to clogged skin pores. It usually occurs on parts of the body that are covered by clothing, such as elbows, neck, buttocks, and underarms.

How to distinguish heat rash? Symptoms of prickly heat include: tiny transparent blisters, red papules or small pustules appear on the skin, with itching sensation, which can easily lead to further bacterial infection. In addition, people with atopic dermatitis who have eczema will also have aggravated heat rash symptoms.

Chinese medicine teaches 6 ways to prevent heat rash

Dr. Lin taught the following 6 ways to prevent heat rash:

6 ways to prevent prickly heat

1. When sweating, wipe with a clean towel to keep the skin dry.

2. Avoid continuing to wear wet clothes.

3. Choose loose, breathable and sweat-absorbent cotton clothes.

4. In hot weather, stay indoors as much as possible, keep the ventilation cool and lower the room temperature.

5. Avoid frequent use of shower gel and soap, so as not to over-stimulate the skin.

6. When sweating too much, you can choose to take a quick warm water shower and dry yourself quickly to avoid catching a cold.

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Sunburn|Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches 5 ways to prevent sunscreen and prevent skin cancer

Physician Lin Mingyu said that in addition to preventing prickly heat, prolonged exposure to the hot sun will not only cause sunburn, but also be damaged by ultraviolet rays, causing freckles, wrinkles, dark spots, aging, skin cancer and other problems. Therefore, whether you are a child, a teenager or an adult, you need sun protection. Here are some ways to prevent sunburn:

5 ways to prevent sunburn and skin cancer:

1. Minimize going out between 10 am and 2-3 pm.

2. Apply sunscreen lotion 30 minutes before going out, and reapply it every 2 to 3 hours.

3. Pay attention to sun protection on cloudy days, because even on cloudy or rainy days, there are as many as 80% of ultraviolet rays.

4. When you go out, you can wear thin, breathable clothing and a hat to block the direct sunlight of the scorching sun.

5. Eyes also need sun protection. You can choose sunglasses with anti-UV function to protect your eyes when you go out. In order to maintain healthy skin, everyone should pay attention to sun protection and prevent sweat rash, and take corresponding preventive measures.

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[Same Field Gayon]High Risk Factors for Skin Cancer

There are too many moles on the body

Pigmented spots on the body (called solar keratoses)

Someone in the family has had melanoma cancer

working long hours under the hot sun

Frequent sun exposure, especially if exposed to peeling skin

Fair complexion, not tanned but burns easily

Red or blonde hair with light colored eyes

Weakened immune systems, such as those who have had an organ transplant or tested positive for HIV

Skin that has been burned, injured, or treated for another skin condition, such as eczema or psoriasis medication

Regular exposure to chemical carcinogens

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2023-06-28 23:09:12

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