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Preventing Sugar Cravings: Tips for a Healthy Diet

08:33 PM, Saturday, September 02, 2023

I wrote – Omnia Qalawun:

Some people want to get sugars because they are distinctive in taste, but they threaten the body with a number of risks, including increased levels of inflammation in the body, and thus obesity and a feeling of fatigue.

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In the following report, “Consulto” reviews a list of the most prominent ways to prevent sugar cravings, according to “WebMD” and the American Association of Seniors “AARP”.

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Ways to prevent sugar cravings

1- Breakfast

Breakfast contains a high percentage of protein, which increases the chances of feeling full and prevents hunger, due to the stability of blood sugar levels, since foods high in sugar or carbohydrates lead to a rise in insulin levels in the bloodstream, when it decreases The blood sugar level will return within an hour or two, so doctors recommend eating the following foods:


Greek yogurt.


Smoothie with protein powder.

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Eating fruits maintains blood sugar levels, and you also get fiber and nutrients in them. This contributes to regulating blood sugar levels, which protects against feeling hungry, but eating fruits also protects from getting high amounts of sugars.

3-Improve sleep

Lack of sleep can affect the reward center in the brain and make you really attracted to unhealthy or sugary foods. Researchers from Columbia University analyzed the sleeping and eating habits of more than 500 women. They found that those who slept poorly consumed significantly more added sugar than those who got A good night’s sleep, you should sleep for 7 to 8 hours a night.

4- Snacks

Keeping healthy snacks such as fruits, nuts and cut vegetables on hand helps to curb appetite and get rid of addiction to sugar, in addition to the fact that snacks increase blood sugar levels and the feeling of hunger.

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2023-09-02 17:34:57

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