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Preventing Skin Cancer in Construction Workers: The Importance of Sun Protection and Clothing

From this Monday, June 12 opens the week of awareness and prevention against skin cancer. Among the first victims were theare craftsmen in the construction industry, due to their high exposure to the sun. Gold, UV rays are responsible for 50 to 70% of skin cancersaccording to the League Against Cancer.

Jimmy, second degree burn during construction

Dark spots still visible on Jimmy’s arms. These are the stigmata of the sun. Ten years ago, this Nancy mason was burned in the second degree ten years ago, while working on a construction site. “My skin burned due to reverberation from the windows of the building, says Jimmy, red hair. It was very painful. I had to go to specialty stores, stick a dozen patches on my skin for over a week.”

Since then, the mason has learned from his mistakes and adapted his clothing in the middle of summer. “At work, I wear long sleeves, a cap. I also bring sunscreen.”

Sun protection and clothing

As many sunscreens as dermatologists recommend. Florence Granel Brocard dermatologist eu CHRU de Nancy calls for a “organization of work according to the hours of sunshinet”. The doctor proposes to constitute “shaded areas”.


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