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Preventing PTM, BRIN creates application to control sugar, salt and fat consumption | Indonesian media

CASES of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including in children, continue to increase, uncontrolled consumption of sugar, salt and fat (GGL) is one of the main reasons. Responding to this issue, the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN) is currently developing an application mobile to control GGL consumption. Application development was chosen to intervene among young people and teenagers.

“Excess GGL can cause obesity, hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia. “To control excessive GGL consumption behavior, an appropriate and effective educational intervention is needed, such as the use of GGL education for teenagers,” said researcher at the Center for Public Health and Nutrition Research (PR Kesmas) Mugi Wahidin in the official statement, yesterday.

Mugi said that PTM is a big problem in the world, including Indonesia. He said that 70% of deaths occurred mainly due to PTM strokeheart disease, diabetesand cancer caused by risky behavior including excessive consumption of GGL.

On the other hand, said Mugi technology artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used in all fields, including the health sector. AI can perform large and deep analysis of medical data useful for helping medical staff to identify diseases and provide more accurate and effective treatment recommendations.

“In 2023 we will conduct research to develop a digital-based educational intervention model, with the hope that it will continue to be based on AI. “The concept is already there, it just needs to be developed further, especially to limit or control the consumption of GGL,” said Mugi.

”based digital model website and the application can be used and fully accepted by teenagers with the majority very satisfied and satisfied, but the interactive technology needs to be further developed to make it more interesting to increase knowledge, thus changing patterns eating and other risky behaviors. “Therefore, it must be developed with AI technology,” Mugi concluded.

At this time, the Head of the BRIN Public Health and Nutrition Research Center, Wahyu Pudji Nugraheni, said that the use of AI in the health sector has brought many benefits to medical workers, researchers and patients.

“AI technology has changed the landscape of the health world with various innovations. It not only improves the quality of health services but also helps with more personalized health education b…

2024-08-05 17:00:00
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