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Preventing Pneumonia Outbreak in Bali: Measures, Preparedness, and Surveillance


The emergence of a pneumonia outbreak in China has made Bali extra vigilant. Although there is no special treatment for tourists from China, a number of hospitals have been prepared and supervision of people entering the Island of the Gods from China is being carried out.

The Bali Provincial Government is also trying to strengthen the sentinel method for Influenza Like Illness (ILI)-Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI). ILI-SARI Sentinel Surveillance aims to minimize the impact of disease caused by influenza through various efforts. Among other things, providing information related to prevention and control through intervention measures, allocating health resources, and making case management recommendations.

“There is no special treatment for Chinese tourists,” said Head of the Bali Health Office, I Nyoman Gede Anom detikBaliThursday (30/11/2023) and quoted Friday (1/12).

Meanwhile, Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Bali Provincial Health Service, I Wayan Widya, admitted that he had carried out outreach regarding this respiratory disease. According to him, outreach was carried out at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport and other health facilities.

“We already have a KKP (Port Health Office) at the airport. Community Health Centers and Hospitals (hospitals) have also been socialized. We comply with the Ministry of Health’s SE and press conferences by the Ministry of Health, there is no special treatment,” said Widya.

The Denpasar Class I Port Health Office (KKP) also did not remain silent. The Denpasar KKP is also anticipating the spread of the pneumonia outbreak in Bali by preparing three referral hospitals for foreign nationals (WNA), especially from China, who show symptoms of pneumonia.

“(Foreigners who are detected to have symptoms of pneumonia) will be directed to the clinic at the airport or port. If they do show symptoms, we will refer them to Prof Ngoerah Hospital, Bali Mandara Hospital and Siloam Hospital,” said Head of Denpasar Class I (KKP), Anak Agung. Ngurah Kusumajaya.

Kusumajaya said the three hospitals had been recommended by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to treat foreigners who were indicated to be suffering from pneumonia. The three hospitals are also equipped with isolation rooms for patients with infectious diseases.

Foreigners who experience symptoms of pneumonia can also undergo treatment at other hospitals. For example, there are foreigners who show symptoms of pneumonia and only want to be referred to hospital according to recommendations from their insurance company.

“If they (foreigners with pneumonia symptoms) bring insurance, we will find out which hospital they are in. But the three hospitals are recommendations from the Ministry of Health,” said Agung.

The Ministry of Health, through the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, moved quickly by issuing Circular Letter Number: PM.03.01/C/4632/2023 concerning Awareness of Mycoplasma Pneumonia in Indonesia. The circular, published Monday (27/11/2023), was addressed to all Heads of Provincial Health Services, Heads of Regency/City Health Services, Directors/Heads of Hospitals, Heads of Port Health Offices and Heads of Community Health Centers in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Port Health Office (KKP) has been asked to regularly monitor the development of cases, especially from infected countries at the global level. This includes monitoring cases of suspected pneumonia.

Epidemic in China

Mycoplasma was a common respiratory infection, before COVID-19 broke out. In China, cases have been increasing since May 2023. Then, in October 2023, morbidity rates due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus and influenza also began to be widely reported. Some patients even experience a combination of viral infections.

Currently, local media in China, Global Times, reported a number of hospital wards filled with patients. Beijing Children’s Hospital admits up to 9,378 patients every day and has been at full capacity for the past two months.

In fact, it was also stated that outpatient clinics, pediatric clinics and respiratory departments in several hospitals in Beijing had been booked for at least seven days. Photos and videos online and in state media showed crowded waiting rooms with beds lined up in hospital hallways in Hebei.

Watch the video “Sandiaga Monitors the Impact of Pneumonia Cases in China on the Indonesian Tourism Sector”


2023-11-30 22:07:25
#Bali #Alert #Pneumonia #Outbreak

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