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Preventing Hepatitis B Transmission from Mother to Child: Ministry of Health Report

A total of 35,757 babies were born to mothers who were positive for hepatitis and were at risk of becoming hepatitis sufferers if they did not receive further services.

Thus the spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, dr. Mohammad Syahril in released on the HealthNegeriKu Kemkes website quoted by MediaBanten.Com, Sunday (21/5/2023).

Mohammad Syahril said that the transmission of cases was dominated by direct transmission from mother to child.

In general, transmission of hepatitis B, C and D occurs vertically directly from mother to child, from bodily fluids (saliva, sperm) and unsafe sexual activity, using piercings or tattoos, as well as using unsterile needles for drug users. .

“Hepatitis B transmission from mother to child vertically accounts for 90-95% of all other sources of transmission,” said Syahril.

Babies infected with hepatitis B are likely to become chronic and cirrhotic up to 80%. And unfortunately there is no effective treatment. So it is important to break the flow of transmission, continued Dr. Syahril.

“Giving complete and appropriate hepatitis B vaccine can reduce the prevalence of hepatitis B. However, there are still problems that must be faced, namely the risk of developing cirrhosis and hepatoma and there is no effective treatment.” clear dr. Syahril.

Data from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) shows that as many as 7.1% or 18 million Indonesians are infected with hepatitis B.

Of these, 50% of them are at risk of becoming chronic and 900,000 can become liver cancer. In fact, hepatitis B is the top four causes of death in Indonesia, with an estimated annual death of 51,100 deaths.

A total of 50,744 pregnant women are positive for hepatitis B in 2022. Of these, 35,757 babies are born to mothers who are positive for hepatitis B. Although most have received Hb0 and HBg immunization in less than 24 hours. However, there were still 135 babies positive for Hepatitis B at the age of 9-12 months.

He said, the government prioritized stopping or preventing the transmission of hepatitis as early as possible.

Specifically for hepatitis B, early detection of Hepatitis B is carried out which is integrated with HIV and Syphilis tests for at least 80% of pregnant women (or also known as Triple Elimination). The aim is to break or prevent vertical transmission from mother to child.

The administration of three doses of Hepatitis B immunization to infants is also included in the national immunization program to reduce incidents. Giving HB0 less than 24 hours to reduce transmission from mother to baby.

Apart from that, HBIg was also given to babies born to HBsAg reactive mothers, and Tenofovir was given to pregnant women with high viral loads.

Early detection should also be carried out for at-risk groups such as injecting needle users (IDU) and ex-IDUs, PLHIV, hemodialysis patients, key populations such as prisoners, PS and MSM. History of transfusion, history of tattoos, piercings and use of non-sterile medical devices must be carried out to stop transmission.

In particular dr. Syahril appealed to the Indonesian people to avoid risky sex practices. Remember Hepatitis transmission through body fluids including from semen and saliva.

“For example, kissing until an injury occurs can transmit the Hepatitis virus, and don’t forget to use protection to avoid things that can pose a risk of transmission to the health and development of children,” he said. (Healthy My Country Ministry of Health)

Editor Iman NR

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2023-05-21 12:13:42
#babies #born #mothers #positive #hepatitis #risk #infected

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