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Preventing Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Indonesia: Causes, Symptoms, and Government Action

January 23, 2024 11:39 PM |

Updated: January 23, 2024 23:57

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Source news-medical.net

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by the Dengue virus and transmitted through mosquito vectors of the species Temples of the Egyptians or Aedes alboqictus

Why is endemic dengue fever so dangerous?
According to WHO (World Health Organization), this disease is often found in countries with tropical or subtropical climates. Especially Indonesia, according to data from the Ministry of Health from 2020 to 2021, the number of dengue fever cases in 2020 was 15,819 cases and in 2021 there was a decrease to 354 cases, while the number of deaths in 2020 was 121 and in 2021 the decrease in deaths greatly changed to 5 people.

The phase of people experiencing endemic dengue fever
People affected by Dengue Fever may not show any symptoms at all, and if there are symptoms it is at most just fever, but there are also some people who experience severe infections that cause mental disorders.
Then the second is the Fever Phase, people who are in this phase can have their body temperature rise and reach 40 degrees Celsius within 2-7 days, apart from that they can vomit, have headaches, muscle pain that leads to the bones and joints, and then the body becomes weak. and had a sore throat.

Third, Critical Phase. In this phase, people will experience the same thing as the second phase, namely a decrease in body temperature, but the difference here is that there is the potential for blood plasma leakage, bleeding in the body, including in the nose and teeth, which can even trigger shock and put people’s lives at risk. After passing the critical phase, the last one is the Recovery Phase. Where this incident lasted for 48-72 hours. So even though it is considered the Recovery Phase, people who have passed the crisis period are not considered completely safe, because the most important thing that needs to be monitored is body fluids, there cannot be too much or less. Usually people who go to the doctor will be instructed to drink lots of water and rest completely, or not usually they will also be given an IV drip to maintain body stability.

Government action to prevent endemic dengue fever

To prevent the spread of this disease, the government needs to provide solutions to the community, one of which is by providing literacy about the dangers of dengue fever by conducting outreach and education through communication media such as brochures and making posters. And the government can also create a Mosquito Nest Eradication Program (PSN) and abatement to reduce the population of the Aides Agyepti mosquito which is the cause of this disease. Apart from that, the government also provides information about the symptoms and ways to prevent dengue fever, by avoiding standing water, wearing clothes that cover the whole body, and using mosquito repellent.
2024-01-23 16:39:35
#Importance #Governments #Role #Providing #Dengue #Prevention #Literacy #Community #Kompasiana.com #Kompasiana.com

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