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Preventing Dementia: Simple Rules to Follow

Dementia is a terrible disease that leads to memory problems and deterioration of the brain. In this case, the development of the disease can be prevented if you follow a few simple rules. Psychiatrist Vasily Shurov told me what to do.

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First of all, the doctor advised to observe the sleep regimen. This allows the brain to rest and helps prevent the development of dementia. It is equally important to pay attention to your own diet. It is recommended to make a special diet of vegetables. Eat a varied diet, but without a calorie deficit.

For the elderly, brain activity is especially important. To maintain it, you can solve crossword puzzles or knit.

“A great exercise is to change hands. For example, do something with your left hand. Change routes. The brain loves new and original. Then blood circulation increases in these zones, and the brain functions longer,” Shurov added in an interview with the portal “Policeman».

Previously, a neurologist explained how dangerous it is to cross your legs.

2023-07-18 14:31:12

#mandatory #elderly #important #rule

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