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Preventing Complications of Degenerative Diseases in Your 20s: Expert Advice and Cost Considerations

KORAN GALA – If you are 20 years old and have a degenerative disease, you should be careful because if it is not treated seriously, complications will appear at the age of 40.

“When you’re in your 20s, you’re still working for the first time, you don’t earn much. Complications usually appear at the age of 40, that’s when your career peaks,” said an internal medicine expert from the Association of Indonesian Internal Medicine Experts, Dr. Ariska Sinaga, SpPD. in a workshop session on the topic which was held online, Wednesday 13 September 2023.

Ariska mentioned diseases such as high blood pressure or hypertension and diabetes as examples of degenerative diseases that are often found in those in their 20s and 30s. Meanwhile, if we go back 10 years, this disease was experienced by many people in their 40s.

He found in the last few months about four to five type 2 diabetes patients aged 20 years.

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Talking about complications, diabetes, for example, includes heart attacks and strokes, severe foot infections that can result in amputations, end-stage kidney failure and sexual dysfunction.

Ariska, who holds a specialist degree in internal medicine from the University of Indonesia, then believes that the medical costs that will be incurred will be more.

“While in their 20s they are still working for the first time, they don’t earn much. Complications usually appear at the age of 40, that’s the peak of their career,” he said.

He then reminded that some disease patients, especially diabetes, are not aware of their condition. There is a case of a person who consulted a doctor because of a fever but after a complete examination he was found to have diabetes.

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“It’s not always necessary for someone to have diabetes to have a family history, if there is someone you should be alert,” he said.

Meanwhile, currently there is an increase in medical costs in Indonesia, one of which is inflation in health costs. The 2021-2023 survey shows that medical inflation in Indonesia will increase by 13.6 percent in 2023, from 12.3 percent in 2022.

Another cause is delays in treatment, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which leads to complications, thereby increasing treatment costs.

“For example, there is a problem with gallstones, surgery has been requested but it has been postponed due to the pandemic, ultimately it will have a negative impact on the disease suffered, there will be more complications which will definitely increase the cost of treatment, duration of treatment and procedures,” said Ariska.***

2023-09-13 13:00:00
#Doctors #Warn #Degenerative #Disease #Complications #Years #Gala #Newspaper

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