Home » Health » Preventing Cognitive Decline: The Key Role of Blood Pressure and Fatty Acids, According to Dr. Alexander Myasnikov

Preventing Cognitive Decline: The Key Role of Blood Pressure and Fatty Acids, According to Dr. Alexander Myasnikov

Prevention of cognitive decline can be started at any time

Keeping your blood pressure normal is half the battle for brain health in old age. General practitioner Alexander Myasnikov strongly advises monitoring this indicator to prevent dementia.

He also gave some more tips to help avoid mental decline with age. He spoke about them on the air of the program “About the Most Important Thing.”

“Uncontrolled blood pressure, as it turned out, was ahead of all risk factors for the development of dementia, because microvascular changes in the brain are in first place, ahead of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases,” explained Dr. Myasnikov.

He called fatty acids in the diet more useful for the same purposes than drugs.

“Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in sea fish are a powerful product for the treatment of dementia and for prevention,” the doctor said.

And one more condition is to have a hobby, be interested in the life around you, and attend events.

“When you keep track of all this, you train your brain much faster than rote memorization,” he explained.

Previously we wrote: How to easily activate 3 fat-burning hormones and forget about excess weight, just so as not to become a perch.

2024-04-03 10:30:29

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