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Preventing Cervical Cancer: Affordable Pap Smear Services in Malang

SURYAMALANG.COM, MALANGWomen, especially married women, can have a pap smear to prevent cervical cancer.

This is a health screening effort whose services are very affordable for the community. The following is a conversation between East Java Tribune journalist, Septiana Eka (S) with Dr. Aris Rosidah SpPA M Biomed (A), an Anatomical Pathology doctor from RSI Islamic University of Malang (Unisma) some time ago at the SURYAMALANG.COM studio.

S: Doctor, what is cervical cancer?
A: It is a malignant disease that originates from the tissue lining the surface of the cervix (cervix). The female uterine organ is like an inverted pear. The tip tapers and it is called the cervix. There is a network that covers it. If you suffer from this malignancy, it is known as cervical cancer

S: What were the initial symptoms?
A: The journey to cervical cancer is long. It’s not like the flu where the symptoms are known. But not with cervical cancer. The journey can take years to decades. As for the symptoms, it depends on the patient’s complaint. Some people experience bleeding after sexual intercourse between husband and wife, resulting in trauma.

This could be a sign of malignancy in the cervix. There are also cases of spontaneous bleeding. Even though there was no trauma during sexual intercourse between husband and wife, there was bleeding. Another sign that is usually not noticed is experiencing vaginal discharge that does not go away.

S: Can cervical cancer be contagious?
A: The principle causes are many factors. But it is usually associated with the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus). There are many types. But those associated with cervical cancer are types 15 and 18. If cervical cancer is associated with this virus, it is contagious. But when the infection is through sexual intercourse. But if cancer has occurred, it is not transmitted to other people. When you get HPV, it can be cured 90 percent of the time. But 10 percent can later develop into cervical cancer

S: Is there a tool for that service at RSI Unisma? Anything?
A: The most efficient thing at the moment is to do a pap smear. At RSI Unisma you can do that. This is done by rubbing the surface of the cervix using a tool. Later you can see whether there are color changes in the cells in the cervix. The results are normal, there are fungal infections, parasites, can be detected. Likewise, if you have frequent vaginal discharge you can also see the results.

S: At what age do you need to have a pap smear?
A: Depends on the woman. Has he had active sexual contact or not? So, this is one of the recommended indications for a pap smear. If you get married at the age of 20, then at the age of 21 you have to have a pap smear. If there are no abnormalities, then a year later do the same thing. If there are no indications, you can repeat it in the next three years as long as there are no complaints. But if there is a complaint, it must be followed up.

S: How has the pap smear been so far? Are there any complaints?
A: No complaints so far. What makes it most awkward is the position when wiping. It doesn’t hurt

S: What are the preparations for a pap smear?
A: Because this is to look at the cells in the cervix, first, you cannot have sexual relations between husband and wife in the last 24 hours to take samples. If you were still in a relationship between husband and wife before that, then there are remnants of ejaculation products. So it will obscure the results if we take it. Second, stop taking drugs through the vagina. Third, not menstruating or having given birth either normally or caesarean section. So there must be a six week gap. And it is forbidden to use feminine soap beforehand because it will obscure the results.

S: What about pregnant women?
A: It is recommended not to do it because it is feared that the swab will cause contractions in the uterus. I’m also worried about the baby coming out

S: What are the advantages of having a pap smear?
A: A lot, yes. It can be done at existing health facilities, whether in hospitals, health centers, doctor’s practices, health clinics as long as it is carried out by competent health personnel. In terms of price, this is an action that is affordable for the public.

2023-09-10 13:02:36
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