After his tongue turned green, this man noticed the appearance of strange hair inside his tongue due to taking antibiotics, in addition to drinking cigarettes and smoking tobacco, so his age reached about (64 years).
Hairy tongue is a rare condition that results from the accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the tongue, where the taste buds become longer than usual, which works to trap different substances such as bacteria and yeast, so the tongue turns into different colors, for example:
yellow. the green. Brown color. black.
Where the patient’s condition was proven that he was addicted to drinking cigarettes, which affected the oral health and caused the accumulation of germs and deposits in it, where the condition is relatively harmless and temporary, as doctors strongly advise to rub the surface of the tongue with a brush four times a day.
How to prevent hairy tongue disease
In order to protect yourself and your family from this dangerous disease, it is necessary not to take medicines except with a prescription and to adhere to the instructions of the doctor and pharmacist in addition to eating a healthy balanced diet, quitting smoking, not drinking alcoholic beverages, paying attention to general hygiene, eating well-cooked food, and washing hands frequently with soap and water before eating.
Also, following the therapeutic methods for hairy tongue disease helps greatly to achieve an important and distinctive result for its return to its original nature.
2023-07-14 00:20:20
#strange #disease #affects #citizens #hairy #tongue #beware #eating #notice