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Preventing and Treating Cancer in Adolescents: Lymphoma, Leukemia, Brain Cancer, and More


Cancer is a serious disease that can occur in all genders and ages. Especially in adolescents of growing age who are now more likely to suffer from cancer. The top 5 most common cancer patients in adolescents are lymphoma. Leukemia, brain cancer, bone and muscle cancer and germ cell tumors To prevent the occurrence of cancer. There may not be a clear way yet. But taking care of behavior, lifestyle and regular physical examination Can help prevent various cancers. or when knowing, will be treated promptly

‘Cancer’ is often caused by a genetic abnormality in the beginning. Resulting in many types of cancer in children than adults.

The cancer that is most common in adolescents aged 15-19 years, the top 5 are Lymphoma Leukemia, brain cancer, bone and muscle cancer and germ cell tumors, which if not promptly treated in the early stages and let time lapse until the last stage will make it difficult to treat have a high risk of death

Therefore, regular health check-ups It is another thing that teenagers should not ignore. Because sometimes illnesses are often unannounced and can happen to people of all ages.

The more cancer patients statistics are increasing almost every year as well. It can also occur in adolescents, not just older people. The more you should pay attention to your own health from a young age. in order to live happily without serious illnesses

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Top 5 cancers found in adolescents

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Piti Techavijit, M.D. Department of Hematology and Pediatric Oncology Comprehensive Center of Excellence in Cancer Medicine Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society said that teenagers It is considered an age that is in the transition period from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, he is not a child and is not fully mature in terms of physical, mental, mental and emotional changes.

Various diseases that occur in adolescence, including cancer. There are differences from those born in children and adults, both types of disease. prognosis and biological factors of disease

The top five cancers found in adolescents aged 15-19 are:

1. Lymphoma

Lymphoma Can be divided into many types according to the characteristics of cancer cells such as Hodgkin, follicular, marginal zone, small cell, diffuse large B-cell, mantle cell, T-cell, NK-T cell, Burkitt, etc.

Each type of lymphoma and each stage of the disease have different severity. resulting in different treatments

Symptoms depend on the location of the tumor as follows:

– tired, lethargic

– Decreased body weight

– Fever, sweating

– swollen lymph nodes especially in the neck, armpits and groin area

However, lymphoma is a disease that responds well to treatment. Even in stage four it can be cured a lot compared to other cancers.

2. Leukemia

It is a disease in which hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow are abnormal, resulting in an increase in the production of embryonic white blood cells that cannot grow in the bone marrow, leading to the loss of other hematopoietic production.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

– Abnormal bleeding

– Night sweats

– Severe infectious bone pain

– Bleeding spots on the skin

– enlarged liver and spleen

Check the symptoms of cancer patients in children that need to be monitored.

3. Brain cancer

It is the 3rd most common, divided into several types. depending on the site of the tumor The symptoms of brain cancer patients are as follows.

– Headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness

– Double vision or blurred vision


– Trouble walking or handling things

At present, many types of childhood cancers have very good treatment results. This is due to the development of better treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This results in a high survival rate. Children can grow into quality adults.

For the treatment of solid tumors, surgery is often the main treatment, especially in the stages that have not spread. in combination with chemotherapy and/or radiation

4. Bone and muscle cancer

It’s a rare disease. Caused by abnormal growth of bone cells until it becomes a cancer cell

There are 2 types: primary, or cancer of the bone itself, and secondary. Or cancer that has spread from other places, which are common include breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer. And that is quite common in Thailand is liver and bile duct cancer.

Early symptoms of bone cancer are as follows:

– It starts with pain. especially pain at rest or at night

– Broken bones or fractures more easily than usual

– Lumps growing on arms and legs

– deformed bones

which people with the above symptoms You should see your doctor for a diagnosis. and receive timely treatment

5. Germ cell tumor

It can be both women and men. In men, cancer that begins in the testicles is called testicular cancer.

The symptoms of testicular cancer are as follows:

-Feeling a lump in the testicle There may or may not be pain associated with it.

– Swollen or enlarged testicles

– Pain in the groin, genitals, or lower abdomen

– Swollen testicles look like water for no known reason.

– feel pain or discomfort within the testicles

– feeling like water has accumulated in the scrotum

– Decreased sex drive

-Breast enlargement or pain in the chest area This is because some testicular cancers affect hormones that stimulate breast development.

while in women It could be gynecological cancer. which will have the following symptoms

– Abdominal pain

– menstrual pain

– Abnormal vaginal bleeding

– abnormal vaginal discharge

– Lumps in the pelvic floor

– sexual problems

– Issues within women in all issues

However, challenges in caring for adolescent cancer patients They often have a worse prognosis than adults or children. Even if the same disease from the biological factors of the disease. more difficult to diagnose Adolescents often delay their visit to the doctor. This is because patients or doctors who take care of them often do not think about cancer among teenagers.

While the mental state of adolescents who may accept treatment is difficult. and regularity of medication and other treatments Lower than children with parents or adults who can take care of themselves. The multidisciplinary team does not understand the needs and underlying conditions of adolescent patients.

Therefore, caring for adolescent cancer patients requires understanding and collaboration of many disciplines. including the patient and family in order for the treatment to be effective Has the least physical and mental side effects

How to treat cancer patients in children

Radiation is therefore considered to be an important treatment for many types of pediatric cancer along with surgery and chemotherapy, such as brain cancer. head and neck cancer Bone and connective tissue cancer, Ewing sarcoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma Kidney/adrenal cancer, neuroblastoma, Wilm’s tumor, as well as some cases of lymphoma and leukemia.

Radiotherapy is also a primary treatment alternative to surgery in cases where surgery may cause disability or serious side effects. Including radiation may be used to relieve symptoms in patients who have spread to other organs.

When pediatric patients need radiation therapy We will try to provide the necessary dose. in order to minimize side effects from radiation For brain cancer, radiation usually takes about 20-33 times and takes about 4-6 weeks.

The medical team will select a radiation technique that allows a large amount of radiation to cover the cancer. and avoid the normal tissue receiving the least amount of radiation

For photon (X-ray) irradiation, there are 3D-conformal radiotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), and Rotational Radiation. (Volumetric Arc Therapy, VMAT)

At present, proton irradiation machines have been developed to be used in the treatment of pediatric cancer. Due to the physical properties of proton radiation, normal organs other than cancer cells receive less radiation. As a result, the chances of long-term complications are reduced. However, choosing the number of sessions and the screening technique It should be evaluated by a medical team and considered as appropriate on a case-by-case basis.

before the start of irradiation Patients will be simulated radiation exposure with a computerized tomography (CT simulator) and/or an MRI simulator (MRI simulator), which will need to be made to fix the patient. (Immobilization) to allow the patient and the location that needs radiation to be moved as little as possible. and have a corresponding position for every day of the irradiation

In some young children, there may be anxiety or an inability to remain still for long periods of time. It is therefore necessary to administer sedatives or general anesthesia during the simulated irradiation and during the irradiation. Most of the irradiation simulations take about 30-60 minutes.

As for irradiation each day, it takes about 10-60 minutes, so anesthesia is only a short time each day. Patients who will be anesthetized need to be evaluated by a team of anesthesiologists and pediatricians.

“Child patients are not just small adults. Providing care must focus on some special issues that are different from adults. For example, making a mask to fix while irradiating. It is a cartoon image that children like. And with an identification design during radiation, it looks bright and cute. And the child can choose a sticker to stick in the card every time of irradiation. Preparing snacks or toys as a reward for each irradiation It is what helps children not be afraid and cooperate in coming to the radiation on time.”

In addition, when children feel familiar and trusted, it can reduce drug anesthesia during radiation in some pediatric patients as well. parents and children understand the treatment process Feeling friendly and having confidence in the treatment team is paramount to ensuring that treatment continues and completes as scheduled. for the most effective treatment results

2023-08-02 07:24:00

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