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Preventing and Managing Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, and Habits

[건강이 최고] Constipation, colonㆍanorectal function abnormalities occur in 90%

To prevent constipation, it is good to exercise regularly, such as walking or jogging to sweat for at least 20 minutes a day. Getty Image Bank

Constipation is so common that 5-20% of the population suffers from it. Constipation refers to when excessive force is required when defecation, when the stool is very hard, when there is a feeling of residual defecation, or when the number of bowel movements is less than 3 times a week. The most ideal bowel movement cycle is about 3 to 9 times a week, but subjective feeling is also important. Even if you go to the bathroom 3 to 9 times a week, if you feel a sense of change after having a bowel movement, it is likely that you are constipated.

◇90% occur due to abnormal function of the large intestine, anus and rectum

Constipation is divided into primary constipation (functional or idiopathic) and secondary constipation depending on the cause. Secondary causes of constipation include organic local disease, systemic disease, and drug use. Colon or anorectal dysfunction that is not the cause of secondary constipation is called primary constipation. Primary constipation accounts for more than 90%.

As such, constipation often occurs when bowel movement is delayed, or when the bowel movement is normal but the amount of food consumed is small enough to produce stool. In particular, among those over 65 years of age, slow transit constipation, which is a slow bowel movement due to reduced physical activity and diabetes, and constipation caused by low food and water intake are very common. In addition, colon cancer, which is the third most common cancer in Korea, can block the large intestine and cause constipation.

Constipation is usually △ when not enough food △ when not drinking enough water △ when feeling empty when not having a bowel movement △ when bowel habits are not consistent △ during pregnancy △ lack of exercise △ when there is a change in the environment It looks good.

Although rare, medications you are taking can cause constipation. Kim Byung-seong, a professor of family medicine at Kyunghee University Hospital, said, “Antacids (especially high-aluminium-containing antacids), some antihypertensive drugs, pain relievers or cold medicines containing codeine, antispasmodics (medicines used for stomach pain), antidepressants, and iron supplements are causes of constipation. It can be,” he said.

Various medications are used to treat constipation. Lee Hang-rak, professor of gastroenterology at Hanyang University Hospital, said, “There are bulk-forming laxatives, stool softeners, osmotic laxatives, and stimulating laxatives to treat constipation, and recently, drugs such as serotonin receptor agonists that relay peristalsis of the intestinal tract and stimulate secretion in the intestinal tract are also available. came out,” he said.

Constipation that occurs in the elderly can be a ‘signal of frailty’ that has not been noticed in the past beyond simple digestive problems. A research team at Seoul Asan Medical Center (Professors Il-Young Jang, Hee-Won Jeong, and Specialist Ji-Hye Lim) surveyed 1,277 people aged 65 or older living in Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do.

You may suffer from diverticulitis of the large intestine belatedly because you do not care about constipation. A diverticulum is a small pouch that protrudes outside an organ such as the stomach or large intestine. It occurs a lot in the large intestine. If you are constipated and have abdominal pain that doesn’t get better over time and gets worse, you need to suspect colonic diverticulitis. In particular, if you have a fever and bloody stools, it can be an emergency situation, so you should go to the hospital immediately.

Lee Tae-hee, a professor of gastroenterology at Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital, said, “The worst habit that encourages constipation in everyday life is holding back stool.” They don’t react properly.”

◇Walking or jogging for about 20 minutes a day

To prevent constipation, it is good to exercise regularly, such as walking or jogging to sweat for at least 20 minutes a day. Alternatively, massage your belly clockwise or tap your belly with the palm of your hand to stimulate your abdominal muscles.

Lee Woo-yong, a professor of surgery at Samsung Seoul Hospital, said, “Many people look at their smartphones or play mobile games while defecation, but sitting on the toilet for a long time can reduce bowel activity and worsen constipation.” It is good to have,” he advised.

It is also important to induce peristaltic movement of the colon with a glass of cold water in the morning, and to activate the movement of the colon by drinking water frequently. It is recommended to drink 2 liters (L) of water a day as there is a limit to hydrating with foods such as rice and soup.

If you have an instant or meat-oriented eating habit, it is necessary to supplement your fiber by changing your diet to a vegetarian diet. It is also good to eat vegetables and fruits often, and to consume enough seaweeds such as seaweed and kelp.

[변비를 예방하는 습관]

□ I always eat breakfast.

□ Go to the bathroom within 15 minutes after breakfast.

□ Avoid sitting for a long time, using a smartphone, reading, or smoking while defecation.

□ Take a sitz bath frequently to improve blood circulation around the anus.

□ Eat foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, brown rice, corn, beans, whole wheat, etc.).

□Drink more than 1.5L of water a day.

□ Avoid coffee, tea, and alcohol.

□ Do daily exercise such as walking, running, and swimming.

□ Sit-up ㆍLie straight and raise your legs by about 30 degrees.

Daeik Kwon Medical Reporter [email protected]

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2023-08-14 10:10:00

#Ideal #bowel #movements #times #week #Occurs #easily #food #water #intake

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