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Preventing and Managing Aftereffects of Weight Loss: A Sustainable Diet Approach

Lose weight without aftereffects

Ultra-low calorie diet causes immune problems

Excessive low-sodium diet also increases the risk of low blood pressure.

Be sure to consume enough protein, vegetables, and water.

Dieting is like a lifelong homework. Even if you reach your goal weight, if you are not careful, you will quickly gain weight again due to the yo-yo effect. This is why we recommend a method that can be maintained for a long time rather than a short and thick diet. In particular, if aftereffects such as hair loss, menstrual irregularities, and low blood pressure occur during the process of losing weight, you will lose the motivation to continue your diet. It is contradictory to lose weight to become healthy, but it actually causes other health problems. How to prevent and manage the aftereffects of weight loss determines the success or failure of a sustainable diet.

Hair loss progresses due to abnormal immune response

A typical side effect that can occur when losing a lot of weight in a short period of time is immune dysfunction. Adipose tissue contains several immune cells, including macrophages, which manage chronic inflammation. It is involved in the endocrine system with various hormones and helps maintain homeostasis in the body. However, if you follow a very low-calorie diet that consumes less than 1,000 kcal per day, fat may burn due to nutritional imbalance, which may cause problems with the immune system. Hair loss occurs when the immune response over-produces incorrect signals and attacks the hair roots.

Nutrients related to hair include protein, vitamin B, zinc, copper, iron, and selenium. There is no need to take these nutrients separately. This is because foods rich in protein contain the remaining nutrients. Hair loss while dieting is most likely due to nutritional deficiencies, so you should pay more attention to protein intake.

Protein is found in abundance in eggs, meat, seafood, cheese, and beans. In particular, white fish, which is often eaten as sashimi, is beneficial to dieters due to its high protein content and low fat and calories. Rather than eating too much at one meal, it is better to eat about 30g of protein with each meal. Eating enough protein will keep you full for a long time and reduce the need for snacks later. Stress is also a major cause of hair loss. It is good to reduce stress, get enough sleep, and maintain a regular lifestyle.

Low blood pressure occurs due to worsening blood circulation

Many people worry about symptoms of low blood pressure that appear while dieting. In particular, when you suddenly stand up after sitting or lying down, your vision becomes dark for a few seconds and you feel dizzy. Usually, when a person stands up, 500 to 1,000 cc of blood flow moves to the abdomen or lower extremity veins. At this time, the venous volume returning to the heart temporarily decreases, and cardiac output and blood pressure decrease. In normal cases, compensatory mechanisms occur in the autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system, and endocrine system, increasing heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance, thereby increasing blood flow. Conversely, if there is an abnormality in the autonomic nervous system and blood flow cannot be controlled, you may feel dizzy when standing up.

If you lack nutrition due to excessive dieting and blood circulation is poor, you may suffer from orthostatic hypotension. Be careful, as if you stand up too quickly and fall, it could lead to a serious accident. The most important thing is prevention. Pay attention to your nutritional intake to prevent symptoms of low blood pressure. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day and supplement your vitamins with fruits and vegetables. Eating too little salt while dieting also causes symptoms of low blood pressure. Season your food to some extent when cooking and avoid eating excessively low-salt meals.

If you have anemia, dieting may make your dizziness worse. At this time, consume iron-rich spinach and egg yolks, and if necessary, consult a doctor and take anemia medication. One way to increase iron absorption is to increase calcium intake. Exercises that increase lower extremity muscle contraction, such as high-intensity indoor cycling or squats, help increase venous return.

Irregular menstruation due to hormonal imbalance

In general, a woman’s menstrual cycle lasts 21 to 35 days, and it is known that an average of 20 to 80 mL is excreted over an average of 3 to 7 days. Since menstruation occurs every month, it is also a means of assessing health status. Unbalanced or excessive dieting, excessive stress, and sudden environmental changes affect the menstrual cycle, amount, and color. In particular, menstrual irregularities can occur when you are stressed from dieting, lack of sleep, and overwork.

A rapid loss of weight affects female hormones produced in women’s fat cells, resulting in a decrease in the amount of menstruation or changes in the cycle. In the case of underweight people with a body mass index (BMI) of 18 kg/㎡ or less, amenorrhea may last for several months. At this time, getting out of the state of imbalance is an urgent priority. When most people diet, they set a short achievement period and a high weight loss goal, so they plan excessive fasting and exercise. You need to set appropriate short-term and long-term goals again and change your diet method in a way that puts less strain on your body. Eat low-calorie foods without skipping meals, but maintain nutritional balance by consuming sufficient protein, water, and vegetables. To maintain muscle mass, you will need to exercise regularly for at least 150 minutes a week for the first six months.

In most cases, if you maintain your normal weight for a certain period of time, your period will return to normal. However, it can be dangerous to solely consider diet as the reason for menstrual irregularities. Other underlying diseases may be missed, so if a noticeable decrease in menstrual flow lasts for more than 3 months, is more than 3 times the regular menstrual cycle, or does not occur for 6 months, it is a good idea to get a thorough examination to see if there is another cause.

Food aversion caused by obsession with healthy food

The biggest enemy of dieting is the yo-yo effect. It refers to a weight cycle in which weight loss and gain are repeated. If you lose weight quickly at the beginning of a diet, your muscle mass also decreases quickly, slowing down your metabolism and reducing your basal metabolic rate. At this time, if you eat as usual, the yo-yo phenomenon may occur, triggering binge eating, and changes in body metabolism may occur, causing weight gain compared to before the diet. People who have gone through this process often find themselves trapped in a strict diet.

You may refuse to eat certain foods or become obsessed with a healthy diet because you are worried about gaining weight again. Then, their mental and physical health is damaged, they lose the ability to carry out daily life, and the vicious cycle of sticking to diet is repeated. If you exhibit this obsessive tendency, you need to self-examine to prevent nutritional and functional damage from progressing.

The success or failure of weight loss depends on whether you can maintain improved lifestyle habits. Therefore, after understanding your lifestyle habits and patterns well, distinguish between the parts that can be maintained consistently and those that cannot realistically be maintained. When self-monitoring, it is helpful to keep a meal diary using an application. You can see at a glance how much you ate, what food you ate, and whether you gained or lost weight when you ate. By self-monitoring your weight management, you gain the motivation to create and maintain a sustainable diet strategy. If you find it difficult to establish a proper diet despite these attempts, you should seek help from an expert to correct misconceptions about food, body type, and weight and plan appropriate meals, exercise, and physical activity.

Sunyeong Kim (kim.sunyeong@joongang.co.kr)

2023-09-08 23:41:52

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