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‘Prevent suicide among young people with screening in schools’

Suicide among young people can be prevented if all students in the Netherlands are screened as soon as possible for depression and suicidality. That says the foundation 113 Suicide Prevention in NRC. Researchers from that foundation say that such an approach has an effect in Brabant.

Researcher and clinical psychologist Daan Creemers says in it NOS Radio 1 News that through the so-called STORM approach (Strong Teens and Resilient Minds) the positive self-image, resilience and resilience of young people is developed. “This ensures, among other things, less chance of recurrence later in life.”

Effect in Brabant

In the regions of Northeast and Southeast Brabant, all second-year secondary school students have been examined for depression and suicidality since the 2016-2017 school year. This is done with questionnaires. Depressions and suicidal feelings can be detected so quickly.

Ten percent of the young people surveyed clearly had depressive complaints. About a hundred young people followed prevention training. This training is a collaboration between schools, GGZ Oost Brabant, the Trimbos Institute and municipalities, among others.

“In cases of suicidality, young people come to a doctor within 48 hours who refers them to a mental health institution,” Creemers explains.

Immediately adoptable

Gerdien Franx, program manager at 113 Suicide Prevention, calls the Brabant approach in NRC “the textbook example” of how to set up suicide prevention. “The broad approach is scientifically substantiated. Together you identify suicidality faster, help is less fragmented and you are not alone as a professional,” says Franx.

According to Creemers, it is important that young people with depression continue to be monitored. “Once they are vulnerable, it remains their whole life,” says Creemers. He calls the systematic approach directly adoptable for schools and care organizations in other regions.

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